logbasem / Software_Engineering

GitHub repository for Software Engineering
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Group N CS3203-001 Project: KYPER

Project Description

The project is a web-application that allows users to scan the barcodes of food items in stores and find out which companies are associated with the item, as well as allowing local businesses to promote their products to users in their communities. The app allows users to create personal and business accounts depending on their needs/purposes for using the application. Users with personal accounts should be able to create and name groups for specific businesses based on what they mean to the user, collecting all the products made by the businesses in said group. Users with business accounts should be able to upload their business and the products they produce to the database of the application, allowing users to access it ( this is temporary at the moment, I am curious about how to differentiate real businesses from fake ones).

Development Software

Built with:

To Run

In the terminal, click the split terminal button. On one side, cd into src. On the other, cd into backend.

In each split terminal, install dependencies using: npm install

For Frontend

Use command: npm start

For Backend

Use command: npm start

PR Requirements For Merging

Editing Instructions

git clone [https://repository-url.com]

git branch [new_branch_name]

git checkout [branch_name]

git add [changed_file_name]

git commit -m "[commit message]"

git push

git pull


Development milestones and dates to reach those

Sprint 1 : 04/11