logstash-plugins / logstash-codec-protobuf

Codec plugin for parsing Protobuf messages
Apache License 2.0
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Logstash protobuf codec

This is a codec plugin for Logstash to parse protobuf messages.

Prerequisites and Installation

Note: the latest supported jruby version of Google's protobuf library is 3.22.2. If you need to use a more current version, please find instructions here.


There are two ways to specify the locations of the ruby protobuf definitions:

include_path (optional): an array of strings with filenames where logstash can find your protobuf definitions. Requires absolute paths. Please note that protobuf v2 files have the ending .pb.rb whereas files compiled for protobuf v3 end in _pb.rb. Cannot be used together with protobuf_root_directory or class_file.

protobuf_root_directory (optional): Only to be used in combination with class_file. Absolute path to the directory that contains all compiled protobuf files. Cannot be used together with include_path.

class_file (optional): Relative path to the ruby file that contains class_name. Only to be used in combination with protobuf_root_directory. Cannot be used together with include_path.

class_name (required): the name of the protobuf class that is to be decoded or encoded. For protobuf 2 separate the modules with ::. For protobuf 3 use single dots.

protobuf_version (optional): set this to 3 if you want to use protobuf 3 definitions. Defaults to 2.

stop_on_error (optional): Decoder only: will stop the entire pipeline upon discovery of a non decodable message. Deactivated by default.

pb3_encoder_autoconvert_types (optional): Encoder only: will try to fix type mismatches between the protobuf definition and the actual data. Available for protobuf 3 only. Activated by default.

Usage example: decoder

Use this as a codec in any logstash input. Just provide the name of the class that your incoming objects will be encoded in, and specify the path to the compiled definition. Here's an example for a kafka input with protobuf 2:

  topic_id => "..."
  key_deserializer_class => "org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.ByteArrayDeserializer"
  value_deserializer_class => "org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.ByteArrayDeserializer"

  codec => protobuf
    class_name => "Animals::Mammals::Unicorn"
    include_path => ['/path/to/pb_definitions/Animal.pb.rb', '/path/to/pb_definitions/Unicorn.pb.rb']

Example for protobuf 3, manual class loading specification (deprecated):

  topic_id => "..."
  key_deserializer_class => "org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.ByteArrayDeserializer"
  value_deserializer_class => "org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.ByteArrayDeserializer"
  codec => protobuf
    class_name => "Animals.Mammals.Unicorn"
    include_path => ['/path/to/pb_definitions/Animal_pb.rb', '/path/to/pb_definitions/Unicorn_pb.rb']
    protobuf_version => 3

Example for protobuf 3, automatic class loading specification:

  topic_id => "..."
  key_deserializer_class => "org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.ByteArrayDeserializer"
  value_deserializer_class => "org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.ByteArrayDeserializer"
  codec => protobuf
    class_name => "Animals.Mammals.Unicorn"
    class_file => '/path/to/pb_definitions/some_folder/Unicorn_pb.rb'
    protobuf_root_directory => "/path/to/pb_definitions/"
    protobuf_version => 3

In this example, all protobuf files must live in a subfolder of /path/to/pb_definitions/.

For version 3 class names check the bottom of the generated protobuf ruby file. It contains lines like this:

Animals.Unicorn = Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.generated_pool.lookup("Animals.Unicorn").msgclass

Use the parameter for the lookup call as the class_name for the codec config.

If you're using a kafka input please also set the deserializer classes as shown above.

Class loading order

Imagine you have the following protobuf version 2 relationship: class Unicorn lives in namespace Animal::Horse and uses another class Wings.

module Animal
  module Mammal
    class Unicorn
      set_fully_qualified_name "Animal.Mammal.Unicorn"
      optional ::Bodypart::Wings, :wings, 1
      optional :string, :name, 2

Make sure to put the referenced wings class first in the include_path:

include_path => ['/path/to/pb_definitions/wings.pb.rb','/path/to/pb_definitions/unicorn.pb.rb']

Set the class name to the parent class:

class_name => "Animal::Mammal::Unicorn"

for protobuf 2. For protobuf 3 use

class_name => "Animal.Mammal.Unicorn"

Usage example: encoder

The configuration of the codec for encoding logstash events for a protobuf output is pretty much the same as for the decoder input usage as demonstrated above, with the following exception: when writing to the Kafka output,

Please be aware of the following:

      codec => protobuf
        class_name => "Animals.Mammals.Unicorn"
        class_file => '/path/to/pb_definitions/some_folder/Unicorn_pb.rb'
        protobuf_root_directory => "/path/to/pb_definitions/"
        protobuf_version => 3
      value_serializer => "org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.ByteArraySerializer"


Decoder: Protobuf 2

"uninitialized constant SOME_CLASS_NAME"

If you include more than one definition class, consider the order of inclusion. This is especially relevant if you include whole directories. A definition might refer to another definition that is not loaded yet. In this case, please specify the files in the include_path variable in reverse order of reference. See 'Example with referenced definitions' above.

no protobuf output

Maybe your protobuf definition does not fullfill the requirements and needs additional fields. Run logstash with the --debug flag and search for error messages.

Decoder: Protobuf 3


Check for missing imports. There's a high probability that one of the imported classes has dependencies of its own and those are not being fully satisfied. To avoid this, consider using the autoloader feature by setting the configurations for protobuf_root_directory and class_file.

Encoder: Protobuf 3


Check for missing imports. There's a high probability that one of the imported classes has dependencies of its own and those are not being fully satisfied. To avoid this, consider using the autoloader feature by setting the configurations for protobuf_root_directory and class_file.