loh-tar / cpd

A pure bash script to collect copy jobs and start them only if the target drive is not busy by any other job under supervision of cpd
GNU General Public License v2.0
2 stars 1 forks source link

cpd - The copy daemon

cpd is a pure bash script without any special requirements except a *NIX Box and a not to old bash version.

Furthermore may it still a little GNUish. I can't, and will not, test it with other Unices than ArchLinux but patches and bug reports are welcome.

The purpose is collect copy jobs and start them only if the target drive is not busy by any other copy job under cpd supervision.

Last (and very first) version is v0.1 (Dez 2017)

There are things which could be improved, or fixed, but I think it is now almost feature complete. So someone would call it a 1.0 RCx release.


cpd [option>...] <command> [<argument>...]
cpd [option>...] newjob <source> <destination>
cpd [option>...] newjob <source>... <dest-dir>
cpd [option>...] newjob -t <dest-dir> <source>...
cpd [option>...] newjob <dest-dir>                   # Read list of sources from stdin
cpd [option>...] newjob -f <file> <dest-dir>

Options are:

-a                       Auto start the daemon if not already running
-c <cols>                Force output to cut at <cols>, 0 or negative=no cut
-f <file>                Read list of source files from <file>
-i <idle-time>           Daemon stand by time in seconds, default=600, unlimited=-1
-o <cp-opt>              Add <cp-opt> to the called cp command. Disables -r/-m if given
-p <user-prio>           Enqueue job with modified default priority. PRIO=6 minus <user-prio>
-s                       Run a simulation, copy nothing
Only available with GNU copy
-m                       Merge all files in <dest-dir>. Ignored if -o is given
-r                       Copy recursive. Ignored if -o is given

Commands are:

h, help [c]              Show this help or when c=l License, c=s Source of cpd
H                        Show more help
   newjob <arguments>    Enqueue a new job with arguments as shown above
   start                 Start the daemon and job processing
X, exit                  Terminate the daemon and job processing
P, process               Process jobs in foreground or trigger daemon to continue
K, kill <job>...         Kill a running or cancel a pending job
p, prio <prio> <job>...  Change job PRIO to <prio> or 'PRIO=PRIO minus <prio>' if +-<prio>
r, resume <job>...       Resume stopped jobs or re-enqueue old jobs
w, show [c]              Show jobs, c=i by ID, c=e errors, c=l job log, c=s daemon status
s, stop <job>...         Stop jobs
Y, tidy                  Tidy up all job data


Enqueue a couple of jobs

cpd newjob /media/a /foo/*

Assumed you have a symlink cpc->cpd

cpc /media/b /bar/*

Process the jobs in the foreground...

cpd P

...or start the daemon...

cpd start

...and take a look how it is going

watch -n1 cpd wi


watch -n1 cpd w s

Simulation Mode

Instead of calling cp with all job parameter, there will only start a sleep/forced-error job with a crude chosen time of a few seconds.

Running Test

$ ./test/simulation
Prepare test with clean tmp dir

Run: ./cpd show
  2 pending  4      -  70M   0% /dev/sdb         /media/b/data         data1-50;data7;dat~
  5 pending  4      -  70M   0% /dev/sdc         /media/c/data         data2-50;data7;dat~
  7 pending  5      -  500   0% /dev/sdd         /media/d/notes/       file5-100;file4-10~
  1 pending  6      - 512K   0% /dev/sdb         /media/b/documents/   paper5-100;paper4-~
  3 pending  6      -  32M   0% /dev/sdb         /media/b/mediathek    song5-5;song4-5;so~
  4 pending  6      -  32M   0% /dev/sdc         /media/c/documents/   invoice5-5;invoice~
  6 pending  6      - 315M   0% /dev/sdc         /media/c/mediathek    clip5-50;clip4-50;~

Run: ./cpd -s process
Running a simulation, nothing will copied
Start   [  2] [/dev/sdb       ]        /media/b/data <- data1-50;data7;data6;data5;data4;>
Start   [  5] [/dev/sdc       ]        /media/c/data <- data2-50;data7;data6;data5;data4;>
Start   [  7] [/dev/sdd       ]      /media/d/notes/ <- file5-100;file4-100;file3-100;fil>
* New or changed jobs by user *
Stop    [  2] [/dev/sdb       ]        /media/b/data <- data1-50;data7;data6;data5;data4;>
Start   [  1] [/dev/sdb       ]  /media/b/documents/ <- paper5-100;paper4-100;paper3-100;>
* New or changed jobs by user *
Done    [  7] [/dev/sdd       ]      /media/d/notes/ <- file5-100;file4-100;file3-100;fil>
Killed  [  5] [/dev/sdc       ]        /media/c/data <- data2-50;data7;data6;data5;data4;>
Start   [  4] [/dev/sdc       ]  /media/c/documents/ <- invoice5-5;invoice4-5;invoice3-5;>
* New or changed jobs by user *
Done    [  1] [/dev/sdb       ]  /media/b/documents/ <- paper5-100;paper4-100;paper3-100;>
Resume  [  2] [/dev/sdb       ]        /media/b/data <- data1-50;data7;data6;data5;data4;>
ERROR   [  2] [/dev/sdb       ]        /media/b/data <- data1-50;data7;data6;data5;data4;>
Start   [  3] [/dev/sdb       ]   /media/b/mediathek <- song5-5;song4-5;song3-5;song2-5;s>
Done    [  4] [/dev/sdc       ]  /media/c/documents/ <- invoice5-5;invoice4-5;invoice3-5;>
Start   [  5] [/dev/sdc       ]        /media/c/data <- data2-50;data7;data6;data5;data4;>
ERROR   [  5] [/dev/sdc       ]        /media/c/data <- data2-50;data7;data6;data5;data4;>
Start   [  6] [/dev/sdc       ]   /media/c/mediathek <- clip5-50;clip4-50;clip3-50;clip2->
Done    [  3] [/dev/sdb       ]   /media/b/mediathek <- song5-5;song4-5;song3-5;song2-5;s>
Done    [  6] [/dev/sdc       ]   /media/c/mediathek <- clip5-50;clip4-50;clip3-50;clip2->
All done

Run: ./cpd show e
>>>>> Error log of job 2
What ever was wrong

>>>>> Error log of job 5
What ever was wrong

Note: If there are errors to read, they are features, but you may find true bugs


From Source

Copy cpd somewhere to your $PATH and create a symlink there at your taste, e.g.

ln -s cpd cpc

that's all.


Things they have to wait for a past 1.0 release


cpd is inspired by Ambrevar who was looking for a tool similar to this.

All contributors of stackexchange.com, bash-hackers.org, dict.cc and many more.


GNU General Public License (GPL), Version 2.0