loic-sharma / Messages

A Laravel Bundle for the Swiftmailer library
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
39 stars 7 forks source link

Swift Mailer Laravel Bundle

The power of Swift Mailer with the beauty of Laravel.


Install using the Artian CLI:

php artisan bundle:install messages

then edit application/bundles.php to autoload messages:


return array(

'messages' => array(
    'auto' => true

You can then set your configuration at config/config.php.

A Few Examples

Changing configurations in runtime


Config::set('messages::config.transports.smtp.host', 'smtp.gmail.com');
Config::set('messages::config.transports.smtp.port', 465);
Config::set('messages::config.transports.smtp.username', 'someone@gmail.com');
Config::set('messages::config.transports.smtp.password', 'password');
Config::set('messages::config.transports.smtp.encryption', 'ssl');

Sending a message:

Sending a message couldn't be easier.


    $message->from('me@gmail.com', 'Bob Marley');

    $message->body('Well hello Someone, how is it going?');

Or, you can simply chain the methods directly from the Message class.


    ->from('me@gmail.com', 'Bob Marley')
    ->body('Well hello Someone, how is it going?')

Sending an email with HTML


    $message->from('me@gmail.com', 'Bob Marley');

    $message->body('Well hello <b>Someone</b>, how is it going?');


Using Views

Emails with HTML can become quite cumbersome. Therefore, it is recommended that you store your emails in views.


    $message->from('me@gmail.com', 'Bob Marley');

    $message->body('view: emails.hello');

    // You can add View data by simply setting the value
    // to the message.
    $message->body->name = 'Someone';


Sending an email with an attachment


    $message->from('me@gmail.com', 'Bob Marley');

    $message->body('Well hello Someone, how is it going?');


    // or:
    $generated_content = 'Some content';

    $message->attach($generated_content, 'file-name.extension', 'mime/type');

Sending emails to multiple email addresses


    $message->to(array('someone@gmail.com', 'email@address.com' => 'name'));
    $messages->bcc(array('evenmore@address.com' => 'Another name', 'onelast@address.com'));

    $message->from('me@gmail.com', 'Bob Marley');
    $message->body('I really like spamming people!');

Sending an email with a reply address


    $message->from('me@gmail.com', 'Bob Marley');

    $message->body('Well hello Someone, how is it going?');

Checking if the message was sent


    $message->to(array('someone@gmail.com', 'email@address.com' => 'name'));
    $messages->bcc(array('evenmore@address.com' => 'Another name', 'onelast@address.com'));

    $message->from('me@gmail.com', 'Bob Marley');
    $message->body('I really like spamming people!');

    echo 'Sweet it worked!';

// You can even check if a specific email address received
// the message.
    echo 'Someone got the email!';

Swift Mailer, by Chris Corbyn

Swift Mailer is a component based mailing solution for PHP 5. It is released under the LGPL license.

Swift Mailer is highly object-oriented by design and lends itself to use in complex web application with a great deal of flexibility.

For full details on usage, see the documentation.