loicdtx / pygadm

Easy access to administrative boundary data with python
16 stars 2 forks source link


Python helper to download administrative boundaries data from the Database of Global Administrative Areas (GADM) and load them in python memomy as GeoJson like feature collections


.. code-block:: bash

pip install git+https://github.com/loicdtx/pygadm.git


.. code-block:: python

from pprint import pprint
import gadm

# Download and load administrative boundaries of Mexico at municipality level (level 2 in GADM database)
mex_fc = gadm.get_data(code='MEX', level=2)

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# mex_fc is a FeatureCollection, it inherits from list and preserves all existing list methods
# <class 'gadm.FeatureCollection'>

# The FeatureCollection class has two methods: get and filter_by, to easily subset features collections
# filter_by returns a FeatureCollection, so that multiple filter_by may be chained and eventually ended by
# a get. This can be useful for instance in case there are multiple cities with the same name in different regions
# of a country and you want to isolate a single one. get always return a single geojson like feature (dict).

# Subset all municipalities of the state (NAME_1) of Oaxaca
oax_fc = mex_fc.filter_by(NAME_1='Oaxaca')
# 30

# Get the feature of the municipality of Cuicatlan
cui_feat = oax_fc.get(NAME_2='Cuicatlan')

# {'geometry': {'coordinates': [[[(-96.9254531860351, 17.546520233154297),
#                             (-96.92993164062494, 17.55500030517578),
#                             (-96.93086242675781, 17.556520462036076),
#                             (-96.93273162841797, 17.559141159057617),
#                             ...
#                             (-96.91992187499994, 17.54537963867199),
#                             (-96.9254531860351, 17.546520233154297)]]],
#           'type': 'MultiPolygon'},
# 'id': '972',
# 'properties': OrderedDict([('GID_0', 'MEX'),
#                            ('NAME_0', 'Mexico'),
#                            ('GID_1', 'MEX.20_1'),
#                            ('NAME_1', 'Oaxaca'),
#                            ('NL_NAME_1', None),
#                            ('GID_2', 'MEX.20.3_1'),
#                            ('NAME_2', 'Cuicatlan'),
#                            ('VARNAME_2', 'Dist. Cuicatlan'),
#                            ('NL_NAME_2', None),
#                            ('TYPE_2', 'Municipio'),
#                            ('ENGTYPE_2', 'Municipality'),
#                            ('CC_2', None),
#                            ('HASC_2', None)]),
# 'type': 'Feature'}

# If get does not hit any feature or hits more than one feature, it raises an exception