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formal grammar of mex with left recursion #486

Open lagleki opened 1 year ago

lagleki commented 1 year ago

Describe the current content chapter 21:

mex-1 311 = mex-2 [BIhE # operator mex-1]

Section 18.20:

By default, Lojban mathematics is like simple calculator mathematics: there is no notion of “operator precedence”. Consider the following example, where pi'i means “times” , the multiplication operator:

Example 18.28. 

li  ci  su'i    vo  pi'i    mu  du  li  reci
The-number  three   plus    four    times   five    equals  the-number  two-three.
3 + 4 × 5 = 23

The two section contradict each other.

Proposed content

mex = mex-1
mex = mex operator mex-1

Additional context

Necessary for evaluating mekso expressions.