lojban / cll

Complete Lojban Language Chunked
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All you need is Docker ( https://docs.docker.com/install/#supported-platforms ) or podman ( https://podman.io/getting-started/installation ) and some means of running bash scripts. This means you can run this on a MacOS box, even though it's very much a Linux build process. Windows should also be possible, albeit with some difficulty (because you have to get bash).

You really need at least 2GiB of free RAM; Prince will swap like crazy otherwise.

The builds will run in a podman (preferred) or docker container, depending on what you have available.


To make all the versions do:


Note that this takes a while, proportionate to available CPU; on an AWS t2.micro I gave up after over 2 hours due to it running out of RAM. On an AWS t2.medium it took about an hour. RAM is a significant consideration; it needs at least 2GiB free (and possibly more).

The final results will end up under the build/ directory, scattered about in various places. If you would like the final outputs only to be copied to another directory, i.e. for web display, you can use the -a option, so for example:

./run_container.sh -a output/

would put all the outputs in the output/ directory, whereas

./run_container.sh -a ~/public_html/cll_build/

would put them in your personal webspace.

Running a complete build takes quite a while (like probably at least an hour). To do it for just one chapter for faster testing:

./run_container.sh -t chapters/05.xml

This does the whole book but is also much faster:

./run_container.sh -t

There are many possible sub-targets as well, which are specified with -T, such as:

./run_container.sh -t -T pdf

You can get a complete list of targets via:

./run_container.sh -h