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can there be more than one bridi tail in a sentence? #505

Open lagleki opened 9 months ago

lagleki commented 9 months ago

Describe the current content

Section 14.9. Compound bridi:

Example 14.49. 

mi  klama   le  zarci   .ije    mi  nelci   la  djan.
I   go-to   the market, and I   like    that-named  John.
is equivalent in meaning to the compound bridi:

Example 14.50. 

mi  klama   le  zarci   gi'e    nelci   la  djan.
I   go-to   the market  and like    that-named  John.
As Example 14.50 indicates, giheks are used in afterthought to create compound bridi; gi'e is the gihek corresponding to “and”. The actual phrases klama le zarci and nelci la djan. that the gihek connects are known as “bridi-tails”, because they represent (in this use) the “tail end” of a bridi, including the selbri and any following sumti, but excluding any sumti that precede the selbri:

Example 14.51. 

mi  ricfu   gi'e    klama   le  zarci
I   am-rich and go-to   the market.
In Example 14.51, the first bridi-tail is ricfu, a simple selbri, and the second bridi-tail is klama le zarci, a selbri with one following sumti.

However, chapter 21 has

sentence 40 =
[terms [CU #]] bridi-tail

so no sentence can have more than one bridi-tail.

Proposed content

Specify the difference between surface (brisni) grammar and predicate logic (bridi).

Emphasize .ijek expansion of any gihek sentence.

lagleki commented 9 months ago

Alternative: dont pay attention to BNF rule names. consider "bridi-tail" rule similar to "paragraphs" rule.