longzilicart / pip_universal

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Prompt-In-Prompt (PIP) Learning for Universal Image Restoration

This repository contains the implementation and demos for paper: "Prompt-In-Prompt Learning for Universal Image Restoration".


Drawing inspiration from the pronounced success of prompts in both linguistic and visual domains, we propose novel Prompt-In-Prompt learning for universal image restoration, named PIP. First, we present two novel prompts, a degradation-aware prompt to encode high-level degradation knowledge and a basic restoration prompt to provide essential low-level information. Second, we devise a novel prompt-to-prompt interaction module to fuse these two prompts into a universal restoration prompt. Third, we introduce a selective prompt-to-feature interaction module to modulate the degradation-related feature. By doing so, the resultant PIP works as a plug-and-play module to enhance existing restoration models for universal image restoration. Extensive experimental results demonstrate the superior performance of PIP on multiple restoration tasks, including image denoising, deraining, dehazing, deblurring, and low-light enhancement. Remarkably, PIP is interpretable, flexible, robust, and easy-to-use, showing great potential for real-world applications.




Training and testing

please see /src/train.sh for the training and data preparation. Tester and demo are coming soon to fit the reformatted code.

Requirements and Data preparation

To set up the environment, please refer to /src/requirements.txt. please refer to prepare_args() in the /src/PIPNet_Trainer.py about how to place the dataset.

You could find the dataset we used in the paper at following and the preparation is similar to PromptIR and AIRNet.

Denoising: BSD400, WED, Urban100

Deraining: Rain100L

Dehazing: RESIDE (SOTS)

Deblurring: GoPro

Lowlight: LOL


  title={Prompt-In-Prompt Learning for Universal Image Restoration},
  author={Li, Zilong and Lei, Yiming and Ma, Chenglong and Zhang, Junping and Shan, Hongming},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2312.05038},


If you have any question, feel free to contact me at longzilipro@gmail.com