loolzaaa / faster-rcnn-pytorch

A PyTorch implementation of Faster R-CNN
MIT License
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cuda deeplearning faster-rcnn pytorch resnet vgg16

A PyTorch implementation of Faster R-CNN

This implementation of Faster R-CNN network based on PyTorch 1.0 branch of jwyang/faster-rcnn.pytorch. However, there are some differences in this version:

All results were obtained on Pascal VOC 2007 (min scale = 600, ROI Pool) with NVIDIA GeForce GTX1060 (6GB): Backbone Batch size Max epoch mAP Preset
VGG16 1 6 70.9% Caffe
ResNet18 2 8 62.4% PyTorch
ResNet34 2 8 70.8% PyTorch
ResNet50 2 6 72.6% Caffe
ResNet101 1 6 75.1% Caffe


Clone this repo and create data folder in it:

git clone https://github.com/loolzaaa/faster-rcnn-pytorch.git
cd faster-rcnn-pytorch && mkdir data



Compile all python extensions (NMS, ROI layers) for CPU and CUDA with next commands:

cd lib
python setup.py develop

Pretrained model

  1. Download caffe BGR pretrained models (link) or PyTorch RGB pretrained models (link)
  2. Put them into data/pretrained_model/

NOTE: Please, remember that this network use caffe (BGR color mode) pretrained model by default. If you want to use PyTorch pretrained models, you must specify RGB color mode, image range = [0, 1], mean = [0.485, 0.456, 0.406] and std = [0.229, 0.224, 0.225] in additional parameters for run script. For example:

python run.py train ............. -ap color_mode=RGB image_range=1 mean="[0.485, 0.456, 0.406]" std="[0.229, 0.224, 0.225]"

Data preparation

Prepare dataset as described here for Pascal VOC. Actually, you can use any dataset. Just download it and create softlinks in library_root/data folder.

You can, but not necessary, specify directory name for dataset relative ./data folder in addtional parameters for run script. For example:

NOTE: Name of the parameter is different for datasets (devkit_path for Pascal VOC, data_path for COCO, etc.)

WARNING! If you change any parameter of some dataset, you must remove cache files for this dataset in ./data/cache folder!


All interaction with the library is done through a run.py script. Just run:

python run.py -h

and follow help message.


To train Faster R-CNN network with ResNet50 backbone on Pascal VOC 2012 trainval dataset in 10 epochs, run next:

python run.py train --net resnet 50 --dataset voc_2012_trainval --total-epoch 10 --cuda

Some parameters saved in default config file, another parameters has default values.

For more information about train script, you need to run python run.py train -h and follow help message.


If you want to evlauate the detection performance of above trained model, run next:

python run.py test --net resnet 50 --dataset voc_2012_test --epoch $EPOCH --cuda

where $EPOCH is early saved checkpoint epoch (maximum =10 for training example above).

For more information about test script, you need to run python run.py test -h and follow help message.


If you want to run detection on your own images with above trained model:

After detect, you will find the detection results in folder dataT/images/result folder.

For more information about detect script, you need to run python run.py detect -h and follow help message.