loomnetwork / tiles-chain

MIT License
18 stars 9 forks source link

Tiles Chain Build Status

A basic example showcasing a simple HTML5 + WebSockets interacting with a Loom DappChain, using Phaser and Loom.js.

Game instructions

Use the mouse cursor to click on the black canvas area to create colored tiles, each new player will have a different color the canvas which is shared amongst all players


1.) Run your own DappChain

Please consult the Loom SDK docs for further instruction on running your own DappChain.

2.) Download the example project (Tiles Chain)

git clone https://github.com/loomnetwork/tiles-chain

3.) Start the DappChain

cd tiles-chain
mkdir tmpgopath
export GOPATH=`pwd`/tmpgopath

cd dappchain
wget https://storage.googleapis.com/private.delegatecall.com/loom/osx/build-404/loom
chmod +x loom

# Compile
export GOPATH=$GOPATH:`pwd`
make deps

# Configure
cd build
../loom init
cp ../genesis.example.json genesis.json

# Run
../loom run

4.) Start the web server

# On second terminal
cd tiles-chain/webclient

# Install

# Compile protobuf
yarn run proto

# Start the demo
yarn start

5.) Running

The Tiles-Chain web interface will be available on http://localhost:9000

Loom Network

