looooongChen / tfAugmentor

An image augmentation library for tensorflow. It can be used seamlessly with tf.data.Dataset
MIT License
6 stars 1 forks source link
augmentation dataset image-augmentation machine-learning tensorflow tf-data


An image augmentation library for tensorflow. The libray is designed to be easily used with tf.data.Dataset. The augmentor accepts tf.data.Dataset object or a nested tuple of numpy array.


Original Flip Rotation Translation
original demo_flip demo_rotation demo_translation
Crop Elactic Deform
demo_crop demo_elastic
Gaussian Blur Contrast Gamma
demo_blur demo_contrast demo_gamma


Random Rotation Random Translation Random Crop
demo_ratation demo_translation demo_crop
Random Contrast Random Gamma Elastic Deform
demo_contrast demo_gamma demo_elastic


tfAugmentor is written in Python and can be easily installed via:

pip install tfAugmentor

Required packages:

Quick Start

tfAugmentor is implemented to work seamlessly with tf.data. The tf.data.Dataset object can be directly processed by tfAugmentor.

To instantiate an Augmentor object, three arguments are required:

class Augmentor(object):
    def __init__(self, signature, image=[], label_map=[]):

Note: only the items in 'image' and 'label' will be processed, others will remain untouched

A simple example

import tfAugmentor as tfaug

# new tfAugmentor object
aug = tfaug.Augmentor(signature=('image', ('mask1', 'mask2')), 
                      label=['mask1', 'mask2'])

# add augumentation operations
aug.elastic_deform(strength=2, scale=20, probability=1)

# assume we have three numpy arrays
X_image = ... # shape [batch, height, width, channel]
Y_mask1 = ... # shape [batch, height, width, 1]
Y_mask2 = ... # shape [batch, height, width, 1]

# create tf.data.Dataset object
tf_dataset = tf.data.Dataset.from_tensor_slices((X_image, (Y_mask1, Y_mask2))))
# do the actual augmentation
ds1 = aug(tf_dataset)

# or you can directly pass the numpy arrays, a tf.data.Dataset object will be returned 
ds2 = aug((X_image, (Y_mask1, Y_mask2))), keep_size=True)

If the data is passed as a python dictionary, the signature should be the list/tuple of keys. For example:

import tfAugmentor as tfaug

# new tfAugmentor object
aug = tfaug.Augmentor(signature=('image', 'mask1', 'mask2'), 
                      label=['mask1', 'mask2'])

# add augumentation operations
aug.elastic_deform(strength=2, scale=20, probability=1)

# assume we have three numpy arrays
X_image = ... # shape [batch, height, width, channel]
Y_mask1 = ... # shape [batch, height, width, 1]
Y_mask2 = ... # shape [batch, height, width, 1]

ds_dict = {'image': X_image,
           'mask1': Y_mask1,
           'mask2': Y_mask2}
# create tf.data.Dataset object
tf_dataset = tf.data.Dataset.from_tensor_slices(ds_dict)
# do the actual augmentation
ds1 = aug(tf_dataset)

# or directly pass the data
ds2 = aug(ds_dict)

Note: All added operations will be executed one by one, but you can create multiply tfAugmentor to realize parallel pipelines

A more complicated example

import tfAugmentor as tfaug

# since 'class' is neither in 'image' nor in 'label', it will not be processed 
aug1 = tfaug.Augmentor((('image_rgb', 'image_depth'), ('semantic_mask', 'class')), 
                       image=['image_rgb', 'image_depth'], 
aug2 = tfaug.Augmentor((('image_rgb', 'image_depth'), ('semantic_mask', 'class')), 
                       image=['image_rgb', 'image_depth'], 

# add different augumentation operations to aug1 and aug2 
aug1.random_crop_resize(sacle_range=(0.7, 0.9), probability=0.5)
aug2.elastic_deform(strength=2, scale=20, probability=1)

# assume we have the 1000 data samples
X_rgb = ...  # shape [1000 x 512 x 512 x 3]
X_depth = ... # shape [1000 x 512 x 512 x 1]
Y_semantic_mask = ... # shape [1000 x 512 x 512 x 1]
Y_class = ... # shape [1000 x 1]

# create tf.data.Dataset object
ds_origin = tf.data.Dataset.from_tensor_slices(((X_rgb, X_depth), (Y_semantic_mask, Y_class))))
# do the actual augmentation
ds1 = aug1(ds_origin)
ds2 = aug2(ds_origin)
# combine them
ds = ds_origin.concatenate(ds1)
ds = ds.concatenate(ds1)

Main Features

The argument 'probability' controls the possibility of a certain augmentation taking place.


# flip the image left right  
# flip the image up down 


# rotate by 90 degree clockwise
# rotate by 180 degree clockwise
# rotate by 270 degree clockwise 
# rotate by a certrain degree, Args: angle - scala, in degree
a.rotate(angle, probability=1) 
# randomly rotate the image


# tranlate image, Args: offset - [x, y]
a.translate(offset, probability=1):
# randoms translate image 
a.random_translate(translation_range=[-100, 100], probability=1):

Crop and Resize

# randomly crop a sub-image and resize to the original image size
a.random_crop(scale_range=([0.5, 0.8], preserve_aspect_ratio=False, probability=1) 

Elastic Deformation

# performa elastic deformation
a.elastic_deform(scale=10, strength=200, probability=1)

Photometric Adjustment

# adjust image contrast randomly
a.random_contrast(contrast_range=[0.6, 1.4], probability=1)
# perform gamma correction with random gamma values
a.random_gamma(gamma_range=[0.5, 1.5], probability=1)


# blur the image with gaussian kernel
a.gaussian_blur(sigma=2, probability=1)
