loopier / animatron-godot3

Yet another implementation of Animatron, but in Godot
GNU General Public License v3.0
17 stars 1 forks source link


A tool for real-time visual poetry.

What is it?

Animatron is an experimental environment (very much "work in progress") that enables creation of "visual poetry," in the form of animations and images, created in real-time through live coding. It implemented using the open-source Godot engine, and communicates with any "client" application or live coding language — such as SuperCollider — via the network, using the Open Sound Control (OSC) protocol.



├── animations/
├── commands/
├── config/
├── docs/
├── fonts/
├── icons/
├── scripts/
├── ...
├── Animatron.pck
├── Animatron.x86_64
├── libgdosc.so

Run Animatron.x86_64 executable by double-clicking it. Alternatively: open a terminal and run the command:

$ path/to/animatron/Animatron.x86_64


├── animations/
├── commands/
├── config/
├── docs/
├── fonts/
├── icons/
├── scripts/
├── ...
├── Animatron.pck
├── Animatron.exe
├── libgdosc.dll

Run Animatron.exe by double-clicking it.

If you see an error like "Can't open dynamic library ... The specified module could not be found", you may need to install the MSVC Redistributable package.


└── Contents
    ├── ...
    ├── MacOS
    │   └── Animatron
        ├── animations/
        ├── commands/
        ├── config/
        ├── docs/
        ├── fonts/
        ├── icons/
        ├── scripts/

Run Animatron.app by double-clicking it. The first time you run it, it may be prevented from opening by the macOS Gatekeeper. In this case, you should right-click (or Control-click) the app and select Open. If a security warning dialog appears, click the Open button to explicitly give permission to run it (only do this if you're sure you've downloaded Animatron from a reliable source). Once you've given your permission, it will remember it for future runs.

If Animatron.app fails to run even after following the above steps, it may have the "quarantine" extended attribute set. This can happen if the program you used to download it (e.g. Safari, Chrome, Telegram) is not trusted. If you are sure it's from a safe place, you may remove the quarantine flag by opening the Terminal app and changing to the directory where you have Animatron.app. From that directory, run the following command:

$ cd ~/Downloads   # change to wherever you have the app installed
$ xattr -d -r com.apple.quarantine Animatron.app

Compile from source

Clone or download this repository.

  1. Install Godot (currently Animatron only works with Godot v3.X).

  2. Clone or download this repository.

  3. Copy some image files (.jpg or .png) into the animations/ directory in the repository. These will be available to use as animation sources.

  4. Run Godot, choose Scan from the Project Manager and navigate to the location of the downloaded/cloned animatron project. Click "Select Current Folder," then open the Animatron project from the list of available projects.

  5. Run it using the Play button in the upper-right corner of the Godot window (on Windows, press F5).

  6. Using an external program (such as the SuperCollider language), send OSC messages to the program, by default on port 56101). You can find some examples in osc-test.scd.

Refer to the OSC command reference — note that this file can be opened on your local machine in any web browser and it will appear correctly formatted.


The best way to learn how it works is running through the tutorial. Type /tutorial and press CTRL + ENTER. Follow the instructions and you'll get the hang of it pretty quickly.

See also the OSC Reference for a list of commands and their usage.


Animatron can also be used remotely via OSC messages. The commands are the same. The exact syntax of the message depends on the software you're using to send the messages.

But first, we need to set up the communication system. Animatron is listening for OSC messages on port 56101. Following is an example for SuperCollider running on the same machine as Animatron.

a = NetAdress("localhost", 56101);
a.sendMsg("/bg", 0, 0, 0.2);
a.sendMsg("/new", "sq", "square");
a.sendMsg("/color", "sq", 1,0,0);
// ... etc

To get replies, an OSC listener needs to be set up on the client side:

a = NetAdress("localhost", 56101);

OSCdef(\listActorsReply, { arg msg;
    "Actors: %".format(msg[1..]).postln;
    oscReply = msg.debug("oscdef");
}, "/list/actors/reply");
OSCdef(\listAnimsReply, { arg msg;
    "Available animations:\n\t%".format(join(msg[1..], "\n\t")).postln;
}, "/list/anims/reply");
OSCdef(\listAssetsReply, { arg msg;
    "Available assets:\n\t%".format(join(msg[1..], "\n\t")).postln;
}, "/list/assets/reply");
OSCdef(\errorReply, { arg msg;
    "Error: %".format(msg[1]).postln;
    oscReply = msg;
}, "/error/reply");
OSCdef(\statusReply, { arg msg;
    "Status: %".format(msg[1]).postln;
}, "/status/reply");

If you're going to use SuperCollider often, you can copy the Animatron/ folder you'll find in the sc/ directory to your SuperCollider Extensions/ folder. When creating an instance, a listener for the replies is automatically set up:

a = Animatron();
a.sendMsg("/list/assets"); // see the post window


Animatron is Copyright © 2021 by Glen Fraser, Roger Pibernat and contributors.

Animatron is distributed under the terms of the GNU Public license version 3 (or later). See LICENSE for all the details.