lootmarket / laravel-vue-blade-component

Standalone Blade Directive for Jankless Vue Components rendered with Blade.
MIT License
22 stars 3 forks source link

What is Laravel Vue Blade Directive?

Originally inspired by Faking Server-Side Rendering With Vue.js and Laravel by Anthony Gore, Laravel Vue Blade Directive package is meant to provide tools to build static PHP and Vue Templates in tandem.

This is not meant to replace a full SSR application, but to facilitate jankless Vue Components within Blade Templates. For example, a dynamically updated sidebar component, that is statically rendered by PHP on first load.

The goal instead is to be capable of writing a single Component in a blade file, include it with @vueComponent(sidebar) and have it dynamically produce both the static PHP, and the vuejs template. This will then cleanly hydrate on the Vue instance with no jank.

Proof Of Concept Demo

Original POC Repo

Example Of Jankless Vue Component


You can install the package via composer:

composer require lootmarket/laravel-vue-blade-component


Then add the ServiceProvider to your config/app.php file:

'providers' => [



How to Use Laravel Vue Blade Directive


  1. A Simple Vue Instance
  2. Toggling an Element with v-if && v-show


Super lighteweight documentation below. Please let us know if there's something more descriptive you needed.

@vueComponent(<component-name>, <optional path>)

Blade Directive for rendering our Vue Components.

component-name file name of the component to be rendered.

path optionally provide a path to the component if nested in a subfolder.

usage example:


this loads resources/views/App.blade.php

@vueComponent(App, vue/routes)

this loads resources/views/vue/routes/App.blade.php

Templates loaded via @vueComponent will have $vue passed to them as a boolean. Additionally, they will be pushed to a stack called vue

@vue(<jsVariable>, <phpVariable>)

Blade Directive for displaying {{ variableFromVueJS }} or $phpVariable written to dom. This is used within a @vueComponent file.

If $vue is true, will simply echo out the php variable passed. If $vue is false, will echo out a string to be interpreted within a javascript template.

usage example:

@vue('$store.state.username', $initialState['username'])

When used within a @vueComponent() template, it will return:

the result of <?php echo $initialState['username'] ?> to the dom.

the string {{ $store.state.username }} to the js template.

This allows us to declare a vuex variable in vue template, and echo out the initial state to the server rendered php.


A simple blade directive for taking a string, and echoing it with {{ string }} to the dom. This allows us to easily write in js variables for our vue templates.

This is used by @vue(), but can be called directly if needed.

usage example:


this will simply return the string {{ $store.state.username }} to be used within vue.


This is a native function with Laravel 5.4 Blades - it will render out the js template for each component passed to @vueComponent()

Each component is only rendered once, not multiple times if done in a loop.

About LootMarket

LootMarket is a development team based in Toronto, Ontario focused on creating great experiences around esports. In our quest for the ultimate PHP & Vue experience, we've created this.


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.