lordmauve / lepton

Lepton: A high-performance, pluggable particle engine and API for Python
MIT License
7 stars 1 forks source link


Lepton: A high-performance, pluggable particle engine and API for Python

Bubbles Example


See http://pythonhosted.org/lepton/ for full documentation.

The examples provided with Lepton require either pyglet (http://www.pyglet.org), or pygame (http://www.pygame.org), but neither are required to use the library.


Lepton is a CPython C API extension, which means it can be difficult to install. On some systems, lepton can be installed just by running

pip install lepton

A current project is to provide binary wheel packages which will ensure this works (and quickly) on Linux, Mac and Windows (x86 architectures). This work is currently incomplete, but the CI pages are here and may contain wheels which work for you:

If you'd like to contribute to making these work, please submit a pull request!


Lepton is platform-independent and should run on any operating system supporting Python and OpenGL. Let us know if you try to build and run Lepton on an unusual platform.

The following are required to build and install Lepton:

To build on Linux (and possibly other unix-like OSes) You will need to have the Python and libxext headers installed. On systems using the apt packaging system, this means you need to have the python-dev-all and libxext-dev packages installed. Specifically on Debian and Ubuntu, you will likely need the following packages installed:

If you're reading this README from a source distribution, install lepton with:

python setup.py install

If you just want to test it out without installing it, you can use:

python setup.py build_ext --inplace

Then add this directory to your PYTHONPATH.


If you find a bug, use the issue tracker above. If you'd like to discuss usage, new features or contribute to Lepton, join our google group at:



And thanks to others for their contributions of ideas and bugfixes!