lordmilko / PrtgAPI

C#/PowerShell interface for PRTG Network Monitor
MIT License
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Working with Tickets #320

Closed crawc closed 1 year ago

crawc commented 1 year ago

What's going on?

How do I get all tickets matching a certain name or type (Auto-Discovery in this case) and then updating or closing them? I see references to tickets in the code but I don't see how to work with them.

I think something like this, but it does seem to find the ticket by the ID, nothing is returned: Get-Object 'Auto-Discovery *' or Get-Object 'ToDo (Auto-Discovery: *' or Get-Object -Id XX

but this would be nice to add too: Get-Ticket 'Auto-Discovery finished for *' | Set-ObjectProperty Status 'Closed'

UPDATE: I dumped all objects and I don't see the Tickets (or ToDos) listed.

Due Dilligance

lordmilko commented 1 year ago

PrtgAPI does not support interfacing with tickets, as this is a rather niche area of PRTG (most companies use a real ticketing system)

crawc commented 1 year ago

After I posted this I went down that rabbit hole and discovered their API is missing the function to close/resolve tickets, but you can pull them using their API.

Works: /api/table.json?content=tickets&columns=datetime,parentid,message,status,name&filter_drel=&username=apiuser&passhash=12345

Does NOT work (doesn't evaluate username/passhash: /api/closeticket.htm&username=apiuser&passhash=12345&id=$id&content=auto-close

This is why I want to use an API to close them since the ticking is worthless, especially the Autodiscovery Tickets. I did make a request for them to add the close option but as with many requests they probably won't implement them in a timely many or at all.

Thanks for the great work you have done @lordmilko.

squintfox commented 1 year ago

@crawc Try: /api/closeticket.htm?username=apiuser&passhash=12345&id=$id&content=close

We have the same problem and that's what I use to close them out.

crawc commented 1 year ago

@squintfox Thank you for posting this. I totally missed the ? before the query strings in the URL.

Get: /api/table.json?content=tickets&columns=datetime,parentid,message,status,name&filter_drel=&username=apiuser&passhash=12345

Close: /api/closeticket.htm?username=apiuser&passhash=12345&id=$id&content=auto-close

Since these methods work could this be added to the PrtgAPI? @lordmilko

lordmilko commented 1 year ago

There is a lot more that goes into an API than just invoking the underlying API request to get it to an appropriate level of robustness that you would expect to find in a reliable third party library such as PrtgAPI; a variety of PrtgClient methods need to be designed to support any forms of input parameters that you may be able to specify to each of the methods required to interact with tickets, an object model has to be designed that supports all of the properties that can be returned from the object, cmdlets need to be written for each type of operation you can perform, those cmdlets may take input in the form of a number of parameters sets, unit tests (and their associated mocks) need to be written - in both C# and PowerShell, as well as integration tests that test this against a live PRTG server, and then finally complete XmlDoc documentation needs to be written and then C#/PowerShell docs for the wiki

Also, there's actually two content types pertaining to tickets: tickets and ticketdata, the latter of which provides information about a ticket's historical data; if tickets were supported it wouldn't make sense to not also support ticketdata (otherwise PrtgAPI's ticketing implementation would be essentially incomplete), so it would be all of the above x2

...all this, for a niche feature, targeting deprecated PRTG v1 API!

As such this is not something I plan to add to PrtgAPI

crawc commented 1 year ago


For anyone that would also like to script closing the Auto-Discovery Tickets, I created this PowerShell script to do so.


$prtguser = "apiuser"
$prtghash = "123456"
$match = "Auto-Discovery *"
$actiontype = "close" # "close" or "resolve"
$message = "auto close"
$hostname = "prtg.yourdomain.com"

$URI = "https://" + $hostname + "/api/table.json?content=tickets&columns=datetime,priority,parentid,message,user,status,name&filter_drel=&username=" + $prtguser + "&passhash=" + $prtghash
$response = Invoke-WebRequest $URI
$jsonObj = $([String]::new($response.Content)) | ConvertFrom-Json | select -expand tickets | select parentid,status_raw,message_raw | Where-Object {($_.message_raw -like $match) -and ($_.status_raw -EQ '1')}

foreach($id in $jsonObj.parentid) {
    $actionURI = "https://" + $hostname + "/api/" + $actiontype + "ticket.htm?username=" + $prtguser + "&passhash=" + $prtghash + "&id=" + $id + "&content=" + $message
    $result = Invoke-WebRequest $actionURI
    $res = $result.Content  -replace '<[^>]+>',''
    Write-Output "$id - $res"

This will output the ID of the ticket and the close status which is normally not show to the user in the GUI, but this can be commented out.

13097 - OK
13098 - OK
13099 - OK