lorenzo-rovigatti / tacoxDNA

A collection of tools for DNA modelling
GNU General Public License v3.0
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dna lammps oxdna topology


tacoxDNA (Tools and Converters for oxDNA) is a collection of tools initially developed to help oxDNA users. However, it will soon be expanded so as to support additional models. If you use tacoxDNA, please consider citing the following article:

A. Suma, E. Poppleton, M. Matthies, P. Šulc, F. Romano, A. A. Louis, J. P. K. Doye, C. Micheletti and L. Rovigatti, "TacoxDNA: A user‐friendly web server for simulations of complex DNA structures, from single strands to origami", J. Comput. Chem. 40, 2586 (2019)



The sections that follow introduce the tools and their usage.

Generator for twisted and knotted configurations

The XYZ_oxDNA.py script generates an oxDNA topology/configuration pair from a file containing a list of coordinates that defines a centerline.

Mandatory arguments

Optional arguments


oxDNA-to-LAMMPS converter

The oxDNA_LAMMPS.py script takes two mandatory arguments and outputs a single file that can be used as input to run oxDNA simulations USER-CGDNA LAMMPS package.



LAMMPS-to-oxDNA converter

The LAMMPS_oxDNA.py script takes one mandatory argument, one optional argument and outputs two files.



oxDNA-to-PDB converter

The oxDNA_PDB.py script takes three mandatory arguments and outputs a single file. Since oxDNA bases has no one-to-one explicit mapping to all-atom representations, the converted structure will most likely require some sort of relaxation procedure before being used as input for all-atom simulation packages. Moreover, when using this script the following points should be taken into account:

Mandatory arguments

Optional arguments


PDB-to-oxDNA converter

The PDB_oxDNA.py script takes two mandatory arguments. Given the sometimes messy nature of PDB files, the script makes some choices during the parsing of the input file. In particular, note the following points:

Mandatory arguments

Optional arguments


cadnano-to-oxDNA converter

The cadnano_oxDNA.py script converts cadnano files into oxDNA configurations. Optionally, it can also output .oxview files which will contain additional information about base pairing, custom colors and clustered domains.

Note that the script does not support scaffold-less input files. It takes two mandatory arguments.

Mandatory arguments

Optional arguments


CanDo-to-oxDNA converter

The CanDo_oxDNA.py script converts CanDo files into oxDNA configurations. It takes one mandatory argument.

Mandatory arguments

Optional arguments


Tiamat-to-oxDNA converter

The Tiamat_oxDNA.py script converts Tiamat files into oxDNA configurations. It takes one mandatory argument.

Mandatory arguments

Optional arguments


vHelix-to-oxDNA converter

The vHelix_oxDNA.py script converts vHelix files into oxDNA configurations. vhelix files are Maya files stored in the MA format. It takes one mandatory argument.

Mandatory arguments

Optional arguments


rpoly-to-oxDNA converter

The rpoly_oxDNA.py script converts routed polyhedra (rpoly) files containing wireframe DNA origami structures automatically generated using the BSCOR package(http://www.vhelix.net/) into oxDNA configurations. It takes one mandatory argument. Optionally, it can output .oxview files which will also contain basepairs, as well as clusters for each helix.

Mandatory arguments

Optional arguments


scadnano-to-oxDNA converter

The scadnano_oxDNA.py script converts scadnano designs to oxDNA configurations.

Mandatory arguments



tacoxDNA contains a very simple testing suite to verify the working status of the scripts. The tests directory contains a directory for each script. Within each directory there is a run.sh bash script that performs one or more tests on the specific script. Execute run_all.sh to run all tests and get a summary of the results.
