lorisbc / sieva-home-assistant

Sieva home assistant integration
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Sieva home assistant

This module show your Sieva water consumption inside home assistant. It is a french water provider.



HACS (recommended)

You can install this custom component using HACS by adding a custom repository.

Manual install

Copy this repository inside config/custom_components/sieva.


Add this to your configuration.yaml:

  - platform: sieva
    login: !secret sieva.login
    password: !secret sieva.password
    delivery_point: !secret sieva.delivery_point # 1234 

To find your delivery_point, go to your account and export to csv your consumption. With devTools, inspect the request url for the value of pointDInstallationId Example: https://ael.sieva.fr/Portail/fr-FR/Usager/Abonnement/ExportGraphReleveDataCSV?pointDInstallationId=XXXX&dateDebut=08/12/2020&dateFin=&granularite=Mois

This will create a m3 index sensor for the total water consumption.

Thanks to https://github.com/cyprieng for template of custom component.