Thank you a lot for this awesome package I'm enjoying using it.
but since the versions not compatible with semVer I upgraded all my deps and what do you know I spent 4 hours debuging silly error that I after all that time I noticed extendPageData not extendsPageData so I went here to my surprise it's for v2.
So please note on the docs that version 0.2.0 is for vuepress 2.x
Hey man!
Thank you a lot for this awesome package I'm enjoying using it.
but since the versions not compatible with semVer I upgraded all my deps and what do you know I spent 4 hours debuging silly error that I after all that time I noticed
so I went here to my surprise it's for v2.So please note on the docs that version 0.2.0 is for vuepress 2.x
Thanks again :)