lorisleiva / vuepress-plugin-seo

🔌 Generate SEO friendly meta header for every page
MIT License
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Vuepress Plugin SEO

🔌 Generate SEO friendly meta header for every page


npm i vuepress-plugin-seo -D


plugins: {
    'seo': { /* options */ }

Note that Vuepress allows multiple syntaxes to register plugins. See Vuepress documentation on how to use a plugin for more information.


The default options below show you how the relevant data is being retrieved from your vuepress application and its pages. Simply override the function of your choice to define your own logic.

// Options
    siteTitle: (_, $site) => $site.title,
    title: $page => $page.title,
    description: $page => $page.frontmatter.description,
    author: (_, $site) => $site.themeConfig.author,
    tags: $page => $page.frontmatter.tags,
    twitterCard: _ => 'summary_large_image',
    type: $page => ['articles', 'posts', 'blog'].some(folder => $page.regularPath.startsWith('/' + folder)) ? 'article' : 'website',
    url: (_, $site, path) => ($site.themeConfig.domain || '') + path,
    image: ($page, $site) => $page.frontmatter.image && (($site.themeConfig.domain && !$page.frontmatter.image.startsWith('http') || '') + $page.frontmatter.image),
    publishedAt: $page => $page.frontmatter.date && new Date($page.frontmatter.date),
    modifiedAt: $page => $page.lastUpdated && new Date($page.lastUpdated),

A few things to note:

Finally you can also add your own custom meta headers through the customMeta option:

// Options
    customMeta: (add, context) => {

        const {
            $site, // Site configs provided by Vuepress
            $page, // Page configs provided by Vuepress

            // All the computed options from above:
            siteTitle, title, description, author, tags,
            twitterCard, type, url, image, publishedAt, modifiedAt,
        } = context

        add('twitter:site', $site.themeConfig.twitter)
        // -> <meta name="twitter:site" content="@github"></meta>

        add('book:isbn', '9780091929114', 'property')
        // -> <meta property="book:isbn" content="9780091929114"></meta>

Note that customMeta defaults to () => {}.