lotus-1 / Lotus-Events

An app used to add and update events for Lotus!
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Lotus-Events :clipboard:

Team Mates : :two_women_holding_hands:

:tada: Welcome to our app!! :tada:

What it is :interrobang:

It is an app used to add and update events for Lotus!
The Lotus's participant types an event on the browser and other users can write a comments! :black_nib:

Creating the files:

:open_file_folder: public

:open_file_folder: src:

:open_file_folder: testing:


This is Schema of the data base :high_brightness:


Contact Details : :telephone_receiver:

If you have any question or suggestions. please free to contact us.

:large_blue_diamond: Sahar Saker : @saharsaker

:large_blue_diamond: Maha Foro: @maha276

Hope you like it :innocent:

Thank you for visiting :two_hearts: