louaySleman / react-native-launcher-kit

React Native Launcher Kit is a comprehensive package for building launchers in React Native.
MIT License
27 stars 7 forks source link
android launcher reactnative


This is a React Native package for Android that provides a set of helper functions for launching apps and interacting with the launcher. It works with automatic linking on React Native versions 0.60 and higher. For older versions, manual linking is required.


npm install react-native-launcher-kit
yarn add react-native-launcher-kit

If you're using React Native 0.60 or higher, the package will be automatically linked for you. For older versions, you need to manually link the package.

Manual Linking 1. In your project directory, run the following command: ```sh react-native link react-native-launcher-kit ``` 2. Open the `android/app/build.gradle` file in your project and add the following line to the `dependencies` section: ```typescript implementation project(':react-native-launcher-kit') ``` 3. Open the `MainApplication.java` file in your project and add the following import statement: ```java import com.launcherkit; ``` 4. Add the package to the list of packages in the getPackages() method: ```java protected List getPackages(){ return Arrays.asList( new MainReactPackage(), new LauncherKit() // <-- Add this line ); } ```


The features of the React Native Launcher Kit include:

  1. Get all installed apps (sorted and unsorted).
  2. Get the current default launcher.
  3. Get the current battery percentage and whether the phone is charging or not.
  4. Check if a package (bundle ID) is installed.
  5. Open system settings.
  6. Open "Set as default launcher" screen directly.
  7. Open an app using its bundle ID with custom params.
  8. Open the alarm app directly.
  9. Listen for app installations and removals.
  10. Get app version and color accent for each app on the installed app list.

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Important Note

Starting with Android 11 (API level 30), you need to add the following permission to your AndroidManifest.xml file to query package information:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.QUERY_ALL_PACKAGES"/>

Important Note: Google Play Store has specific policies regarding the use of QUERY_ALL_PACKAGES permission. Your app must have a core functionality that requires querying installed apps to use this permission. You may need to provide justification during the app review process. Make sure your app's use case complies with the Google Play Policy.

This permission is required for the following features in this package:


Breaking History


Breaking Changes:

🚀 Performance Optimization

🔄 API Changes

New Features


First release


1. getApps(options: GetAppsOptions): Promise<AppDetail[]>

Returns an array of all installed apps on the device with optional version and accent color.

import { InstalledApps } from 'react-native-launcher-kit';

const result = await InstalledApps.getApps({ includeVersion: true, includeAccentColor: true });

2. getSortedApps(options: GetAppsOptions): Promise<AppDetail[]>

Returns an array of all installed apps on the device, sorted alphabetically by app label, with optional version and accent color.

import { InstalledApps } from 'react-native-launcher-kit';

const result = await InstalledApps.getSortedApps({ includeVersion: true, includeAccentColor: true });

AppDetail Interface

interface AppDetail {
  label: string;
  packageName: string;
  icon: string;
  version?: string;
  accentColor?: string;

GetAppsOptions Interface

interface GetAppsOptions {
  includeVersion: boolean;
  includeAccentColor: boolean;


3. launchApplication

A helper function allow you to Launch an application using its bundle ID with optional params.

import { RNLauncherKitHelper } from 'react-native-launcher-kit';

RNLauncherKitHelper.launchApplication('com.example.louay', {param1: 'param1'});

4. checkIfPackageInstalled: Promise<boolean>

Checks if an app with the given bundle ID is installed on the device.

import { RNLauncherKitHelper } from 'react-native-launcher-kit';

const result = await RNLauncherKitHelper.checkIfPackageInstalled(
console.log(result); // true or false.

5. getDefaultLauncherPackageName: Promise<string>

Checks the default launcher app on the device.

import { RNLauncherKitHelper } from 'react-native-launcher-kit';

const result = await RNLauncherKitHelper.getDefaultLauncherPackageName();

6. openSetDefaultLauncher: Promise<boolean>

Opens the "Set Default Launcher" screen on the device.

import { RNLauncherKitHelper } from 'react-native-launcher-kit';

const result = await RNLauncherKitHelper.openSetDefaultLauncher();
console.log(result); // true or false.

7. getBatteryStatus: Promise<BatteryStatus>

Returns the current battery status of the device and if the phone is currently charging or not.

import { RNLauncherKitHelper } from 'react-native-launcher-kit';

const result = await RNLauncherKitHelper.getBatteryStatus();
console.log(result); // {"isCharging": false, "level": 100}

BatteryStatus Interface

interface AppDetail {
  level: number;
  isCharging: boolean;

8. openAlarmApp: boolean

Opens the default alarm app on the device.

import { RNLauncherKitHelper } from 'react-native-launcher-kit';

const result = await RNLauncherKitHelper.getBatteryStatus();

9. goToSettings

Opens the settings screen of the device.

import { RNLauncherKitHelper } from 'react-native-launcher-kit';


10. Start listening for new App installations

Listens for app installations and provides app details when an app is installed.

import { InstalledApps } from 'react-native-launcher-kit';
import { useEffect, useState } from 'react';

const App = () => {
  const [apps, setApps] = useState<AppDetail[]>([]);

  const initApp = async () => {
    const appsList = await InstalledApps.getApps({
      includeVersion: true,
      includeAccentColor: true,
  useEffect(() => {
    InstalledApps.startListeningForAppInstallations((app) => {
      setApps((prev) => [app, ...prev]);

    return () => {
  }, []);

  return (
    // Your component rendering logic

11. Start listening for an App removal

Listens for app removals (uninstallations) and provides the package name when an app is removed.

import { InstalledApps } from 'react-native-launcher-kit';
import { useEffect, useState } from 'react';

const App = () => {
  const [apps, setApps] = useState<AppDetail[]>([]);

  const initApp = async () => {
    const appsList = await InstalledApps.getApps({
      includeVersion: true,
      includeAccentColor: true,
  useEffect(() => {
    InstalledApps.startListeningForAppRemovals((packageName) => {
      setApps((prev) =>
        prev.filter((item) => item.packageName !== packageName)

    return () => {
  }, []);

  return (
    // Your component rendering logic

Demo App

React-Native-Launcher-Kit has been utilized for testing purposes on a launcher known as NoPhoneLauncher. You can experience its functionality in real-time by accessing it on Google Play via the following link.

Example App

You can experience the functionality of the code by exploring the examples provided in our GitHub repository, which can be accessed from the following link.
