lovy003 / First-PR

Make Your first PR as part of hactoberfest 2k21. You can add here your first project you made while learning any new language. Make this repo a resource material for those who have just started with a new language.
24 stars 60 forks source link

About this Repository

This Repository allows you to contribute to various projects & programs irrespective of any particular programming language. You can add your proper working code to this repository. Beginners are welcome to get their first PR towards Hacktoberfest.

How to Contribute to this Repo:

Add your projects to this repository

fork this repo
please add a folder for your language if not done already. (ie: Python, Java etc.)
add your project/code
make pull request


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Hello ,HacktoberFest has begun again for year 2021!

What is it?

Hacktoberfest is a month-long global celebration of open source software run by DigitalOcean in partnership with Intel, AppWrite, and DeepSource, with a strong focus on encouraging contributions to open source projects.

How do I get started?

  1. Visit the official HactoberFest website here
  2. Click on the 'Start Hacking' Button.
  3. Login using your Github/ Gitlab account. It is crucial that you have a Github or Gitlab account to take part in Hactoberfest.
  4. And you're all set!

Swags of Hacktoberfest: