lowRISC / sonata-system

A full micro-controller system utilizing the CHERIoT Ibex core, part of the Sunburst project funded by UKRI
Apache License 2.0
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Add support for other I2C buses #87

Closed alees24 closed 1 month ago

alees24 commented 1 month ago

This PR adds support for the other I2C buses on the Sonata board.

The i2c_hat_id demo application is modified to read and report the SparkFun AS6212 Temperature Sensor reading as well as the IMU 'WHO_AM_I' registers from the other I2C bus on the RPi Sense HAT.

This is therefore reading from I2C1 (IMU) as well as two separate devices on the I2C0 bus. I2C devices are presently not available on mikroBUS Click and Arduino boards for testing.