lowlines / destiny-tgx-loader

Load Destiny model assets from Bungie.net with the BungieNetPlatform APIs.
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Load Destiny model assets from Bungie.net with the BungieNetPlatform APIs.


var itemHash = 1274330687; // Gjallarhorn
THREE.TGXLoader.APIKey = '{insert-api-key}'; // https://www.bungie.net/en/Application
var loader = new THREE.TGXLoader();
loader.load(itemHash, function(geometry, materials) {
    console.log('LoadedItem', geometry, materials);
    mesh = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, new THREE.MultiMaterial(materials));
    mesh.rotation.x = 90 * Math.PI / 180;
    mesh.scale.set(500, 500, 500);

Advanced Options:

This loader can be customized based on your hosting settings and/or preferences. Here is the full list of options you can set either globally or per instance.

// Global Defaults
THREE.TGXLoader.APIKey = null;
THREE.TGXLoader.APIBasepath = "https://www.bungie.net/d1/Platform/Destiny"; // The basepath for making API requests
THREE.TGXLoader.Basepath = "https://www.bungie.net"; // The basepath to load gear assets from
THREE.TGXLoader.Platform = "web"; // Whether to use "web" or "mobile" gear assets (note the latter requires extra setup to use.
THREE.TGXLoader.ManifestPath = null; // The url for server-side manifest querying. Must include $itemHash
THREE.TGXLoader.NoCache = false; // Whether to force assets to ignore caching.

// Destiny 2 Global Defaults
THREE.TGXLoader.APIBasepath2 = 'https://www.bungie.net/Platform/Destiny2';
THREE.TGXLoader.ManifestPath2 = null;

// Instance options
new THREE.TGXLoader({
    itemHash: 0, // The itemHash to load (required)
    classHash: 0, // The classHash to load
    isFemale: false, // Whether to use male or female geometry sets (for Armor)
    apiKey: THREE.TGXLoader.APIKey,
    apiBasepath: THREE.TGXLoader.APIBasepath,
    basepath: THREE.TGXLoader.Basepath,
    platform: THREE.TGXLoader.Platform,
    manifestPath: THREE.TGXLoader.ManifestPath,
    loadTextures: true, // Whether textures should be loaded
    loadSkeleton: false, // Whether the skeleton should be loaded (not implemented yet)
    loadAnimation: false, // Whether the animation should be loaded (not implemented yet)
    animationPath: THREE.TGXLoader.DefaultAnimationPath, // The animation to load (not implemented yet)
}, onLoadCallback, onProgressCallback, onErrorCallback);


It's possible to supply an array of itemHashes to render a loadout with a single call. Note that this will flatten everything into a single geometry so if you want to be able to control items individually, it is recommended that you create a loader for each item.

new THREE.TGXLoader({
    itemHashes: [0], // The itemHash to load (required)


You can specify a custom shader to apply to an item. Optionally you can also tell the loader to ignore locked dyes, which are often present on exotic items.

new THREE.TGXLoader({
    itemHash: 0, // The itemHash to load (required)
    shaderHash: 0, // The shader itemHash to load, 0 will load the item without a shader and if the default.

    ignoreLockedDyes: false // Whether to ignore locked dyes when applying custom shaders

Loadouts with Shaders

Much like loadouts, you can specify an array of shaderHashes for each item in your loadout. This was not possible in-game for Destiny 1.

new THREE.TGXLoader({
    itemHashes: [0],
    shaderHashes: [0]

Destiny 2 Support

This loader now supports Destiny 2. Here's an example of how to load an item. Only mobile assets are available for Destiny 2 models.

new THREE.TGXLoader({
    itemHash: 0, // The itemHash to load (required)
    game: 'destiny2',
    apiBasepath: THREE.TGXLoader.APIBasepath2,
    manifestPath2: THREE.TGXLoader.ManifestPath2
}, onLoadCallback, onProgressCallback, onErrorCallback);

Loading Mobile Assets

This loader supports both web and mobile versions of loading gear assets however the latter requires access to the mobile manifest. This can be done via one of two methods:

Due to the way compression is applied to the textures, you will get better quality from loading the mobile assets over the web versions.

Progress Bars

The TGXLoader uses the default Three.js LoadingManager (see https://threejs.org/docs/#api/loaders/managers/LoadingManager).

Spasm Source Code

This implementation is based on Bungie's Spasm library (see https://www.bungie.net/sharedbundle/spasm). Since the production files are minified, an unminified copy of the source code has been included with this repo.


7 November 2017

6 November 2017