loyada / dollarx

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DollarX Java Javadocs
DollarX Scala


What is it?

A library with the goal of making interactions with a web browser for the purpose of testing web applications trivial and fun.


jdollarx-example contain several behavior tests and other examples that demonstrate the use of the library. Beyond that, the unit tests in jdollarx contain many examples.



Detailed Documentation

Use case examples (using dollarx-java):

Extracting an element from a W3C Document:
        NodeList nodes = PathParsers.findAllByPath("<div>foo</div><span></span>><div>boo</div>",
       // and using static imports makes the expression simpler:
       //   findAllByPath("...", div.before(span))                                              
Testing for existence in a W3C document using dollarx custom matchers:
       import static com.github.loyada.jdollarx.custommatchers.CustomMatchers.*;
       import static com.github.loyada.jdollarx.BasicPath.*;

       Document doc = PathParsers.getDocumentFromString("<div><span></span></div>");
       assertThat(div.inside(div), isAbsentFrom(doc));
       // or ...
       assertThat(span.inside(div), isPresentIn(doc));
       // or you might want ...
       assertThat(div.withClass("foo"), isPresent(5).timesOrLessIn(doc));

Let's say the last assertion in our examples fails. Then the error message would look like:

 Expected: document contains div with class "foo" at most 5 times
     but: div with class "foo" appears 6 times
Testing for existence in browser:
       import static com.github.loyada.jdollarx.custommatchers.CustomMatchers.*;

        InBrowser browser; 

        assertThat(div, isPresentIn(browser));
        // which is equivalent to:
        assertThat(browser, hasElement(div));
        //  or you  might  want to assert something like:
        assertThat(span.inside(div), isPresent(5).timesIn(browser));   
Performing actions in the browser:
          import static com.github.loyada.jdollarx.singlebrowser.InBrowserSinglton.*;

          Path myElement;

          // or alternatively, if you prefer the OO style:

Behavior tests examples instructions

For the behavior tests examples (in dollarx-example, jdollarx-example) to work, you need to download the chrome selenium driver and set an environment variable 'CHROMEDRIVERPATH' to its path location.

Maven Dependency

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