lparolari / wellets-backend

Manage your money placed in different portfolios.
MIT License
2 stars 0 forks source link



Wellets is a financial management website that helps users to manage their money placed in multiple portfolios. It was developed with a focus on users engaged in the crypto world. These users usually have money on their bank accounts, exchanges, blockchain wallets and stuff like that. As there are a lots of places to put their money, it is easy to gets confused with their own money. To avoid that, Wellets currently provide wallet and currency management features to help users control their money with more accurately.

ADVICE: Wellets does not have any type of integration with bank accounts or blockchain wallets, all management is done manually. The benefit of using this is the user experience and practicality, but the user needs to specify their transfers and transactions to see the power of the application.


This repository contains the code related to Wellets Back-end. If you want to see the front-end repository, please check Wellets Front-end.


If Wellets currently does not have a certain feature you think it is awesome, be sure to check out the roadmap to see if this is already planned for the future. Otherwise, you can contact me by any contact method listed in my Github Profile to send your ideas.


GET /currencies Index native and user custom currencies
PUT /currencies/:id Set preference for the currency
GET /currencies/rate Show currency rate based on other currency
GET /currencies/custom Index user custom currencies
POST /currencies/custom Create a custom currency
PUT /currencies/custom/:id Update a custom currency
DELETE /currencies/custom/:id Delete a custom currency
GET /transactions Index wallet transactions
POST /transactions Create a wallet transaction
GET /transfers Index wallet transfers
POST /transfers Create a transfer between two wallets
POST /users User sign up
POST /users/sessions User sign in
DELETE /users/sessions User sign out
GET /users/settings Get user settings
POST /users/settings Create user settings
PUT /users/settings Update user settings
GET /wallets Index user wallets
POST /wallets Create a wallet
DELETE /wallets Delete a wallet
GET /wallets/balance Show wallet balance based on other currency
GET /wallets/total-balance Show the sum of wallets balances


Run with docker

Ignore the .env, .env.example files in the main folder, they are used only for running the backend in local mode.

  1. Create the .env file
cp deploy/.env.example deploy/.env

It's recommended to change the POSTGRES_PASSWORD and JWT_SECRET variables.

  1. Build the docker image
docker-compose -f deploy/compose.yml build
  1. Generate the ormconfig.json file required by TypeORM
docker-compose -f deploy/compose.yml run --rm backend yarn gen:ormconfig
  1. Run the containers
docker-compose -f deploy/compose.yml up -d
  1. Seed the database
docker-compose -f deploy/compose.yml run --rm backend yarn seed:run --seed ProdSeeder

Available seeders:

  1. Create a user and start playing with wellets (see wellets-cli)

You can create a user with

curl --location 'http://localhost:3333/users' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "email": "test1@test.com",
    "password": "test1234"

and test the authentication with

curl --location 'http://localhost:3333/users/sessions' \ 
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "email": "test1@test.com",
    "password": "test1234"

Run locally

Contrary to the docker mode, the local mode run the backend directly on the host machine. Node and Yarn are required.

  1. Install project dependencies:
  1. Create the .env file
cp .env.example .env
  • It's recommended to change the POSTGRES_PASSWORD and JWT_SECRET variables.
  • If you don't want to use redis, set CACHE_DRIVER=null.
  1. Run db and redis
docker-compose -f deploy/compose.yml --env-file .env up -d db redis

(or docker-compose -f deploy/compose.yml --env-file .env up -d db if redis is not used)

  1. Generate the ormconfig.json file required by TypeORM
yarn gen:ormconfig
  1. Run the migrations
yarn run-migrations
  1. Seed the database
yarn seed:run --seed ProdSeeder

Available seeders:

  1. Run the backend
yarn dev


MIT © Luca Parolari



  1. Install project dependencies:

    npm install or yarn install

  2. Copy docker-compose.example.yml located at the root folder to a new docker-compose.yml file and fill it with the credentials that you want to create the containers.

  3. Set up docker containers:

    docker-compose up -d

  4. Copy ormconfig.example.json located at the root folder to a new ormconfig.json file and fill it with the credentials that you have set up when creating the containers.

  5. If you make sure that your containers were successfully created, run TypeORM migrations:

    npm run run-migrations or yarn run-migrations

  6. Copy .env.example located at the root folder to a new .env file and fill it with the credentials that you have set up on the past steps.

  7. Run project:

    npm run dev or yarn dev

How to build

  1. Generate build folder:

    npm run build or yarn build

  2. Change your ormconfig.json file to use the files located on the dist folder:

    Just replace src by dist and .ts to .js on the ormconfig.json entries.

  3. Run project:

    pm2 reload ecosystem.config.js

    May you will need to install pm2 globally with npm install -g pm2 or yarn global add pm2

How to contribute

If you want to contribute with me to improve it and add new features, you can contact me by any contact method listed in my Github Profile.


MIT © Daniel Oliveira