Get interactive job allocation with SMT1 (no jobs make use of simultaneous hardware threads)
bsub -W 2:00 -nnodes 1 -P GEO111 -alloc_flags "gpumps smt1" -Is /bin/bash
Once you have the allocation load the right modules etc.
module load gcc/7.5.0 spectrum-mpi cuda cmake boost
# OR(!)
cd /gpfs/alpine/geo111/scratch/lsawade/SpecfemMagic
source 00_compilations_parameters.sh
cd -
Then, go into specfem directory
cd /gpfs/alpine/geo111/scratch/lsawade/SpecfemMagic/specfem3d_globe
and launch specfem
jsrun -n6 -a4 -c4 -g1 ./bin/xspecfem3D &
The code takes about 40 seconds. It uses a total of 24 MPI tasks, divided into 6 resource sets of 4 CPUS + 1 GPU, where each GPU takes 4 MPI tasks.
You can monitor progress using
tail -f OUTPUT_FILES/output_solver.txt
This is a task that the workflow manager will do all the time and the crux of the workflow. Meaning, if we get this into EnTK form, we are golden.
Get interactivae allocation with two nodes so that we can run two specfems in parallel:
bsub -W 2:00 -nnodes 2 -P GEO111 -alloc_flags "gpumps smt1" -Is /bin/bash
First, define a location where you want to create simulation directories
mkdir $TESTDIR
If you have runs from before just remove them
rm -rf ${TESTDIR}/*
Then, changed the variable specfem
mkspecfemdirs $TESTDIR
Now, that we have created the directories we can run the two specfems
for RUNDIR in $(ls $TESTDIR)
jsrun -n6 -a4 -c4 -g1 ./bin/xspecfem3D &
cd -
Or, as a one-liner:
for RUNDIR in $(ls $TESTDIR); do cd ${TESTDIR}/${RUNDIR}; jsrun -n6 -a4 -c4 -g1 ./bin/xspecfem3D & cd -; done;
You can monitor the progress using
# For run 1
tail -f ${TESTDIR}/specfem_run_1/OUTPUT_FILES/output_solver.txt
# For run 2
tail -f ${TESTDIR}/specfem_run_2/OUTPUT_FILES/output_solver.txt
The creation of the specfem directories is controlled by an executable from my software, which could be run as a pre-task or a task, does not really matter.
Below not relevant at the moment.
There are the main files. The EnTK pipeline solver.py
, the respective,
working slurmscript and the .entkrc
which is source
'ed before running
anything, so that all environment variables and modules are in place.
The working specfem3d_globe
repository is located here
To run the pipeline, I follow this sequence of commands:
# Setup environment variables
source .entkrc
# Activate EnTK environment
conda activate entk
# Run the pipeline
python solver.py