lsentis / uta-wbc-dreamer

Whole-Body Compliant Control Library for the Dreamer/Meka Mobile Humanoid Robot
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Whole-Body Compliant Control Library for the Dreamer/Meka Mobile Humanoid Robot


  1. install ROS (you will need PR2-specific stacks, including PR2 simulator)

  2. clone the stack repos into your ROS_PACKAGE_PATH, e.g. in ~/ros/stacks

    • cd ~/ros/stacks
    • git clone git://
  3. build it using rosmake

    • rosmake

Stack Contents

Run the PR2 Task / Nullspace-Posture Example in Gazebo

After successfully installing ROS and building the whole_body_control stack, in particular the wbc_pr2_ctrl package, you can run the following example of whole-body operational space control. It is a "minimal" example in the sense that it contains two tasks (a Cartesian end-effector position and a joint-space posture) and that their interaction is hardcoded (you cannot easily change the task hierarchy at runtime). Nevertheless, this is a complete example of dynamically consistent nullspace projection techniques, which are the foundations for the power and expressiveness of the whole-body controller.

This example is implemented in the wbc_pr2_ctrl/src/opspace_servo.cpp file. You can also use that as-is for real-time execution on the physical PR2. The opspace_servo uses the freshly designed and implemented runtime configuration and parameter reflection capabilities of the UT Austin opspace library, which allows changing the tasks and skills at startup time using a YAML file, and lets us modify goals, gains, and other parameters while the controller is running. These are all quite nifty features which we are excited to share with the community.

1. Launch PR2 in Gazebo

roscd wbc_pr2_ctrl/launch
roslaunch pr2_gazebo.launch

2. Launch the WBC pump plugin

roscd wbc_pr2_ctrl/launch
roslaunch pr2_pump_plugin.launch

3. Launch the WBC opspace controller

roscd wbc_pr2_ctrl/launch
roslaunch pr2_opspace.launch

4. List services and messages

rostopic list | fgrep opspace
rosservice list | fgrep opspace

5. Get and set end-effector trajectory goal using service

rosservice call /opspace_servo/get_param '{ com_type: task, com_name: eepos, param_name: trjgoal }'
rosservice call /opspace_servo/set_param '{ com_type: task, com_name: eepos, param: { name: trjgoal, type: 4, realval: [0.6, 0.1, 1.0] } }'
rosservice call /opspace_servo/set_param '{ com_type: task, com_name: eepos, param: { name: trjgoal, type: 4, realval: [0.7, -0.1, 0.8] } }'

6. Set end-effector trajectory goal using message (param channel)

rosservice call /opspace_servo/open_channel '{ com_type: task, com_name: eepos, param_name: trjgoal }'
(note the channel_id in the reply, it will probably be 0)
rostopic pub -1 /opspace_servo/vector_channel wbc_msgs/VectorChannel '{ channel_id: 0, value: [0.5, -0.1, 0.8] }'
rostopic pub -1 /opspace_servo/vector_channel wbc_msgs/VectorChannel '{ channel_id: 0, value: [0.5, 0.1, 0.8] }'
