lter / Clim-HydroDB-2.0

Material related to converting the original climHydroDB into CUAHSI ODM
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Material related to converting the original climHydroDB into CUAHSI ODM CSV format.


ClimHydroDB was a harmonized database of meteorological and hydrologic data from several LTER sites and other data sources. While the old system has been retired, sites can still enable synthesis and science by archiving data in a harmonized format. The chosen format is called CUAHSI ODM CSV, and is comprised of a CSV table of data values along with additional CSV tables that provide metadata about those data values, such as a table for station location information and a table for variable descriptions.

Help for LTER sites with archiving meteorological and hydrologic data

You can find brief instructions for building ODM CSV files in the instructions folder. The instructions reference templates found in the CUAHSI_documentation folder. You can see example files in the ODM_CSV_Examples folder.

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