ltsharma / expo-sqlite-query-helper

SQLite query helper library for expo-sqlite
MIT License
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expo-sqlite Query Helper 🦮

SQLite query helper library for expo-sqlite



yarn add expo-sqlite-query-helper


npm install --save expo-sqlite-query-helper


import { useEffect } from 'react';
import Database, { createTable, insert } from 'expo-sqlite-query-helper';

const App = () => {
    useEffect(() => {
        createTable('user', {
            name: 'TEXT',
            email: 'TEXT'
        }).then(({ row, rowAffected, insertID, lastQuery }) =>
            console.log('success', row, rowAffected, insertID, lastQuery)
        insert('user', [{ name: 'Jhon', email: '' }])
            .then(({ row, rowAffected, insertID, lastQuery }) => {
                console.log('success', row, rowAffected, insertID, lastQuery);
            .catch((e) => console.log(e));
    }, []);



import Database from "expo-sqlite-query-helper";

Database(databaseName:string, version:string);

databaseName (String) - Name of the database to create. Default is "esqh.db".
Reference: expo-sql's SQLite.openDatabase

Result object

All the queries will returns an object with following keys.

On Success

row - WewSQLRows -{ length:number, _array: object[] } Mostly useful in search (Select) type query, the returned data will be inside _array.
rowAffected - Mostly useful in update/delete queries, Returns which row is affected by the query.
insertId - Mostly useful in insert query, returns the Auto incriment ID generated by sql. lastQuery - The string which contains last executed query

On Error

error - SQLite error.
lastQuery - The string which contains last executed query

Create Table

Async function to create new table.
under the hood it runs CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXIST.

import { createTable } from 'expo-sqlite-query-helper';
createTable(tableName: string, columns: { [key: string]: string });

tableName - Name of the table to create.
columns - Column object, key is name of column, value is type & other arguments for columns (as per sqlite).

Promise returns an object with row, rowsAffected, insertId, lastQuery


await createTable('user', {
    name: 'varchar(100) NOT NULL',
    email: 'varchar(100) NULL'
// Creates a table with name 'user' with columns 'name' with varchar type & 'email' with varchar type


Async function to run insert data into the table, Takes array of objects to insert into specified table.
under the hood it runs INSERT INTO table (...columns{keys}) values ...(columns{values});

import { insert } from 'expo-sqlite-query-helper';
insert(table: string, data: InsertObject[]);

tableName - Name of the table to insert data.
data - array of objects to insert into table.
example: [{name:"test1",email:""},{name:"test2",email:""}].
Return promise resolving with rowsAffected, insertId, lastQuery


await insert('user', { name: 'test', email: '' });
//Inserts a row into 'user' table with column 'name' with 'test' & 'email' with ''

Search (Select)

Async function to search specified parameter or select everything from the given table.
under the hood it runs SELECT * FROM tableName ?WHERE param{key}=param{value};

import { search } from 'expo-sqlite-query-helper';
search (
  tableName: string,
  param: InsertObject | null ,
  order_by: InsertObject | null,
  limit: number | null ,
  extra: string = ""

tableName - Name of the table to search.
param: {column:value} - objects to search.
example: {name:"test1"}
order_by : {column:"ASC"|"DESC"} - object to order the search result.
example: {id:"DESC"} limit - Number of records to return.
extra - Extra SQL query if any, It will be printed just after SELECT commmand.


const result = await search('user', { name: 'test' });
// Returns rows from table 'user' where it matches column 'name' with value 'test'


Async function to run update data in the table, Takes an objects to update into specified table & coulumn.

under the hood it runs UPDATE table SET ({keys}) values({values}) WHERE where{key}=where{value};

import { update } from 'expo-sqlite-query-helper';
    tableName: string,
    data: InsertObject,
    where: { [key: string]: string }

tableName - Name of the table to insert data.
data - An objects to Update into table.
example: [{name:"test1",email:""},{name:"test2",email:""}].
where - Object with key as column name & value as value to search in Where clause.


await update(
    { name: 'test1', email: '' },
    { name: 'test' }
// Updates a row matches with column 'name' have value 'test' with column 'name' with 'test1' & column 'email' with ''

Delete Data

Async function to run delete data from the table, Takes table name and object to delete perticular row.

Note: If you pass only table name, it will delete complete data from the mentioned table

under the hood it runs DELETE FROM table WHERE param{key}=param{value}

import { deleteData } from 'expo-sqlite-query-helper';
    tableName: string,
    param: { [key: string]: string },
    extra: string

tableName - Name of the table to insert data.
param - Object with key as column name & value. Matching row will be deleted.


await deleteData('user', { name: 'test' }); // Deletes rows matches with column 'name' have value 'test'
await deleteData('user'); // Deletes all rows from 'user' table

Drop Table

Async function to Drop a table from database. It takes a table name as arg.

under the hood it runs DROP TABLE IF EXISTS table.

import { dropTable } from 'expo-sqlite-query-helper';
dropTable(tableName: string);

tableName - Name of the table to drop.


await dropTable('user'); // Drops table name 'user' from database.

Execute Sql

Async function to run any raw string query. it takes query string & arg as arg.

import { executeSql } from 'expo-sqlite-query-helper';
executeSql(query: string, arg:string[]);

query - SQL Query string.
arg - Optional arguiment to pass to value of query.


await executeSql('SELECT * FROM user WHERE name=?', ['tester']);
// Selects all rows from 'user' where column 'name' have value 'tester'.
