luan / tmuxfiles

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Luan's Tmux Config

This config aims to make tmux comfortable for vim users. Below are some highlights and possible workflows.

Notation: We'll use C-spc to mean "hold control, and tap the spacebar".

Commands that work "normally"

Most of the time in tmux, you're in normal mode. When you type things, they go into your shell, and your shell can run them. You can also run the following commands.

Managing "windows"

Managing "panes"


Commands that work in movement mode

Movement mode is like being in vim. You can move around using vim movement keys. You can highlight things. You can copy things to a clipboard, for pasting later (in normal mode).

Moving around




Common workflows

The copy-paste flow

I'm in tmux, and I have a single terminal in a single pane in a single window.

I have a list of handy commands in a file called handy-bash-commands.txt. I want to use one of them. I'm going to cat the file, copy the appropriate command to clipboard, paste it into my shell, and see the results of my cool command. Let's break that into steps:

First I cat the file:

$ cat handy-bash-commands.txt

handy-command 1
handy-command 2
super cool command
sudo super cool command
another command
more stuff


Now my cursor is at the shell prompt as I would expect. I hit C-spc [ to get into movement mode, then hit kkkk0 to move my cursor to the beginning of the line that reads sudo super cool command. To highlight the whole line, I hit V. To copy it to clipboard, I hit y. This also kicks me back into normal mode, with my cursor at the shell prompt again. To paste and run the command, I hit C-spc ]. Note that the reason the command runs as soon as I paste is is because I copied a newline to clipboard when I highlighted and copied the whole line earlier.

Here's the result:

$ cat handy-bash-commands.txt

handy-command 1
handy-command 2
super cool command
sudo super cool command
another command
more stuff

$ sudo super cool command



Now I want to run something similar to handy-command 2, but with a slight difference.

My cursor is at the shell prompt as I would expect. I hit C-spc [ to get into movement mode, then hit ?handy<ENTER> to move my cursor to the beginning of the line that reads handy-command 2. I'm only interested in the beginning of this command, so I hit v to start highlighting character-by-character. I hit ww to highlight the words handy-command. I hit y to copy those words to the clipboard. This also kicks me back into normal mode, with my cursor at the shell prompt again. To paste the command, I hit C-spc ]. Because I didn't copy any newlines, the command doesn't run immediately, and I can edit it.

Here's what my terminal looks like now:

$ cat handy-bash-commands.txt

handy-command 1
handy-command 2
super cool command
sudo super cool command
another command
more stuff

$ sudo super cool command


$ handy-command 

Now I'm free to complete the command as I wish, and run it as normal:

$ cat handy-bash-commands.txt

handy-command 1
handy-command 2
super cool command
sudo super cool command
another command
more stuff

$ sudo super cool command


$ handy-command 65537

Wow, that's a really cool number. Are you a big fan of regular polygons?
