luar123 / esphome_zb_sensor

Example of a zigbee sensor in esphome
33 stars 4 forks source link

[!IMPORTANT] This implementation is outdated: Use the external zigbee component for easier setup and more functionality.

ESPHome Zigbee sensor using ESP32-H2

ESPHome example of a zigbee sensor.

Note that the Zigbee part in this project is currently hardcoded and included as a custom component including a task. (Changing this to an external component with more configuration possibilities would be the next step).

Zigbee based temperature and humidity sensor

ESPHome Zigbee sensor connected to AHT10 Temperature+Humidity Sensor.

Hardware Required

Build ESPHome Zigbee sensor




External documentation and reference

Note! The official documentation and reference examples for the ESP Zigbee SDK can currently be obtained from Espressif:

How to contribute

If looking to contribute to this project then suggest follow steps in these guides + look at issues in Espressif's ESP Zigbee SDK repoository: