luben / sctags

Ctags and Etags extractor for Scala
Apache License 2.0
33 stars 4 forks source link

SCTags is ctags and etags extractor for Scala language. It will fallback to ctags if language other than Scala was forced


sctags [-f|-o file] [-R|--recurse] [--list-languages] [--version] <files>

-f file | -o file
  sets the file the tags are written to, default is "tags"
  (Use "-" for standard output)

-R --recurse
  recurse through directories specified on the command line

  list the supported languages (inlcuding the ctags suported ones)

  it will fall back to ctags if the lang is not Scala

  print fake version for exhuberant ctags compatibility

Build, Install and Running

$ sbt assembly
$ cp target/scala-2.11/sctags ~/bin

The executable uncludes the compiled classes. It will look for the scala libraries relatively to the scala executable that should be on your $PATH. Other option is to set SCALA_HOME to the root of your Scala distribution or SCALA_LIB to the lib directory of SCALA_HOME.

Example Vim + TagBar config

function! SCTags()
    if executable("sctags")
        let g:tagbar_ctags_bin = "sctags"
        let g:tagbar_type_scala = {
            \ 'ctagstype' : 'scala',
            \ 'sro'       : '.',
            \ 'kinds'     : [
                \ 'p:packages',
                \ 'V:values',
                \ 'v:variables',
                \ 'T:types',
                \ 't:traits',
                \ 'o:objects',
                \ 'O:case objects',
                \ 'c:classes',
                \ 'C:case classes',
                \ 'm:methods:1'
            \ ],
            \ 'kind2scope'  : {
                \ 'p' : 'package',
                \ 'T' : 'type',
                \ 't' : 'trait',
                \ 'o' : 'object',
                \ 'O' : 'case_object',
                \ 'c' : 'class',
                \ 'C' : 'case_class',
                \ 'm' : 'method'
            \ },
            \ 'scope2kind'  : {
                \ 'package' : 'p',
                \ 'type' : 'T',
                \ 'trait' : 't',
                \ 'object' : 'o',
                \ 'case_object' : 'O',
                \ 'class' : 'c',
                \ 'case_class' : 'C',
                \ 'method' : 'm'
            \ }
        \ }

if has("autocmd")
    autocmd FileType scala call SCTags()

This will give you nice package/class/object/method hierarchy in Tagbar. Here is an example:

▼+types : package
  ▼+Membership : trait
     +C[T] : type
     +T : type
     +contains(a:C[T], b:T) : method
  ▼+BloomFilterMembership : class
     +T : type
     +<init>() : method
     +contains(a:BloomFilter[T], b:T) : m
  ▼+MinMaxMembership : class
     +T : type
     +<init>() : method
     +contains(a:MinMax[T], b:T) : metho
  ▼+SetMembership : class
     +T : type
     +<init>() : method
     +contains(a:Set[T], b:T) : method
  ▼+MembershipOps : object
    ▼+Contained : class
       +C[T] : type
       +T : type
       +<@(b:C[T]) : method
       +<init>(a:T)(tc:Membership[T, C])


This package is based on

It is simplified and extended to support scope tracking.

Released under the Apache 2.0 License.

Copyright 2008 Geoff Reedy

Copyright 2015 Luben Karavelov