lublak / pdfdataextract

Extract data from a pdf with pure javascript
MIT License
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Extract data from a pdf with pure javascript.

Inspered by, which is currently unmaintained.


npm install pdfdataextract


Full documentation is available at the wiki


import { PdfData, VerbosityLevel } from 'pdfdataextract';
import { readFileSync } from 'fs';
const file_data = readFileSync('some_pdf_file.pdf');

// all options are optional
PdfData.extract(file_data, {
    password: '123456', // password of the pdf file
    pages: 1, // how many pages should be read at most
    sort: true, // sort the text by text coordinates
    verbosity: VerbosityLevel.ERRORS, // set the verbosity level for parsing
    get: { // enable or disable data extraction (all are optional and enabled by default)
        pages: true, // get number of pages
        text: true, // get text of each page
        fingerprint: true, // get fingerprint
        outline: true, // get outline
        metadata: true, // get metadata
        info: true, // get info
        permissions: true, // get permissions
}).then((data) => {
    data.pages; // the number of pages
    data.text; // an array of text pages
    data.fingerprint; // fingerprint of the pdf document
    data.outline; // outline data of the pdf document; // information of the pdf document, such as Author
    data.metadata; // metadata of the pdf document
    data.permissions; // permissions for the document
import { PdfDataExtractor, VerbosityLevel } from 'pdfdataextract';
import { readFileSync } from 'fs';
const file_data = readFileSync('some_pdf_file.pdf');

// all options are optional
PdfDataExtractor.get(file_data, {
    password: '123456', // password of the pdf file
    verbosity: VerbosityLevel.ERRORS, // set the verbosity level for parsing
}).then((extractor) => {
    extractor.pages; // the number of pages
    extractor.fingerprint; // fingerprint of the pdf document

    extractor.getText(1, true).then((text) => {
        // an array of text pages (only one page and sorted)

    extractor.getText([2]).then((text) => {
        // an array of text pages (only the second page)

    extractor.getOutline().then((outline) => {
        // outline data of the pdf document

    extractor.getMetadata().then((metadata) => {
        // metadata of the pdf document

    extractor.getPermissions().then((permissions) => {
        // permissions for the document



npm test

Maybe TODOs


MIT licensed