Doxygen based Lua binding generator.
luarocks install dub
Currently, the parser supports:
- public methods
- public attributes read/write
- pseudo-attributes read/write by calling getter/setter methods.
- custom bindings (for methods and global functions).
- custom read/write attributes (with void *userdata helper, union handling)
- public class methods
- public static attributes read/write
- pointer to member (gc protected)
- cast(default)/copy/disable const attribute
- member pointer assignment (gc protected)
- natural casting from std::string to string type (can include '\0')
- class instantiation from templates through typedefs
- class alias through typedefs
- bindings for superclass
- automatic casting to base class
- default argument values
- overloaded functions with optimized method selection from arguments
- operator overloading (even operator[], operator() and operator+= and such)
- return value optimization (no copy)
- simple type garbage collection optimization (no __gc method)
- namespace
- nested classes
- class enums
- global enums
- build system
- group multiple bindings in a single library
- rewrite class or library names
- native Lua table wrapping setmetatable({super = obj}, Vect)
- callback from C++ with error handling in Lua (with self.error).
- error function captures current 'print' function and can be used with self._errfunc.
- fully tested
- custom method binding name