lucagrippa / obsidian-ai-tagger

Simplify tagging in Obsidian. Instantly analyze and tag your document with one click for efficient note organization. OpenAI or MistralAI API key required
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Feature Request - Lower Case tags #9

Closed sergioatp closed 1 month ago

sergioatp commented 1 month ago

Feature Request: Lower Case Tags

Overview: This feature enhancement entails allowing the utilization of lowercase tags within Obsidian. Currently, Obsidian supports tags in their original case, but accommodating lowercase tags would offer users greater flexibility and consistency, particularly for those accustomed to lowercase conventions in their tagging system.


  1. Consistency: For users habituated to employing lowercase tags, integrating this feature would maintain consistency in their workflow. It ensures a seamless experience where tag management aligns with established practices.

  2. Flexibility: Lowercase tags allow users more flexibility in organizing and categorizing notes. Obsidian becomes more adaptable to diverse user preferences by accommodating lowercase variants, fostering a personalized user experience.

  3. Accessibility: Lowercase tags enhance accessibility by catering to users with varying preferences and cognitive styles. For individuals who find lowercase tags more visually appealing or easier to comprehend, this feature promotes inclusivity within the Obsidian community.

  4. Compatibility: Many users may already have a library of notes with lowercase tags. Supporting lowercase tags ensures seamless migration and compatibility with pre-existing note databases, minimizing disruptions during the transition phase.

  5. User Empowerment: Incorporating lowercase tags empowers users to customize their Obsidian environment to better suit their needs and preferences. This user-centric approach fosters a sense of ownership and control over the digital workspace, contributing to a more satisfying user experience.

In conclusion, integrating lowercase tags in Obsidian represents a user-driven enhancement that promotes consistency, flexibility, accessibility, compatibility, and user empowerment within the Obsidian ecosystem. By accommodating diverse tagging conventions, Obsidian can better cater to its user base's unique preferences and requirements, fostering a more inclusive and personalized knowledge management experience.

lucagrippa commented 1 month ago

Hey @sergioatp! Thank you for creating this issue.

I just released a "Lowercase Mode" that when enabled will force all generate tags to be lowercase.

Let me know if this is what you were looking for.

sergioatp commented 1 month ago

Perfect. Thank you so much.