lucagrippa / obsidian-ai-tagger

Simplify tagging in Obsidian. Instantly analyze and tag your document with one click for efficient note organization. OpenAI or MistralAI API key required
MIT License
27 stars 5 forks source link
ai llm obsidian-md obsidian-plugin openai

AI Tagger

AI Tagger is an Obsidian ( plugin that simplifies tagging by using OpenAI's advance Large Language Models (LLMs) to analyze and tag your document with one click!

The plugin analyzes the current document that you have open in the editor and all of the previous tags that you have used. AI tagger will return up to 5 relevant tags that you have previously used and will generate up to 3 completely new tags.

How to use

Supported LLM Providers


Mistral AI

Setting up the AI Tagger

One click tagging

More precise tagging

Lowercase Mode


Navigate to the Obsidian settings and search AI Tagger in the Community plugins section. You can also manually download the latest release from this repository's GitHub releases by extracting the ZIP file to your Obsidian plugins folder.


If you encounter any issues while using the AI Tagger plugin or have any suggestions for improvement, submit an issue on this GitHub repository. Pull requests are also welcome.


MIT License