lucahuesler / masterthesis_energy

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Master thesis: Modelling energy consumption in the canton of Basel-Landschaft

Version control

Version control is done with github.

Initial setup

For easy use of are and github, I use the usethis library


Initial setup:

• Call `gitcreds::gitcreds_set()` to register this token in the local Git credential store
  It is also a great idea to store this token in any password-management software that you use
✔ Opening URL ',user,gist,workflow&description=DESCRIBE THE TOKEN\'S USE CASE'
> gitcreds::gitcreds_set()

? Enter password or token: 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
-> Adding new credentials...
-> Removing credentials from cache...
-> Done.
> gh::gh_whoami()
  "name": "Luca Hüsler",
  "login": "lucahuesler",
  "html_url": "",
  "scopes": "gist, repo, user, workflow",
  "token": "ghp_...udtL"

After the initial setup, we can use github for our R projects.

Local setup:


For the remote git, we use:



For reproducibility, the renv package is used.