lucasjinreal / yolov7_d2

🔥🔥🔥🔥 (Earlier YOLOv7 not official one) YOLO with Transformers and Instance Segmentation, with TensorRT acceleration! 🔥🔥🔥
GNU General Public License v3.0
3.13k stars 483 forks source link
detection detextron2 detr face instance-segmentation object-detection onnx tensorrt transformers yolo yolov6 yolov7 yolox
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this is another yolov7 implementation based on detectron2, YOLOX, YOLOv6, YOLOv5, DETR, Anchor-DETR, DINO and some other SOTA detection models also supported. The ultimate goal of yolov7-d2 is to build a powerful weapon for anyone who wants a SOTA detector and train it without pain. It's extremly easy for users to build any Multi-Head models on yolov7-d2, for example, our E2E pose estimation is build on yolov7-d2 and works very well.

Thanks for Aarohi's youtube vlog for guaidance of yolov7: , if you want a quick start, take a look at this nice introduction on yolov7 and detectron2.

New version will release!

YOLOv7 v2.0 will be released soon! We will release our Convext-tiny YOLO arch model achieves mAP 43.9 with very low latency! Feature will be included in next version:

For more details, refer to read the doc.

Just fork and star!, you will be noticed once we release the new version!

🔥🔥🔥 Just another yolo variant implemented based on detectron2. But note that YOLOv7 isn't meant to be a successor of yolo family, 7 is just a magic and lucky number. Instead, YOLOv7 extends yolo into many other vision tasks, such as instance segmentation, one-stage keypoints detection etc..

The supported matrix in YOLOv7 are:

⚠️ Important note: YOLOv7 on Github not the latest version, many features are closed-source but you can get it from

Features are ready but not opensource yet:

If you want get full version YOLOv7, either become a contributor or get from .

🆕 News!

🌹 Contribution Wanted

If you have spare time or if you have GPU card, then help YOLOv7 become more stronger! Here is the guidance of contribute:

  1. Claim task: I have some ideas but do not have enough time to do it, if you want to implement it, claim the task, I will give u detailed advise on how to do, and you can learn a lot from it;
  2. Test mAP: When you finished new idea implementation, create a thread to report experiment mAP, if it work, then merge into our main master branch;
  3. Pull request: YOLOv7 is open and always tracking on SOTA and light models, if a model is useful, we will merge it and deploy it, distribute to all users want to try.

Here are some tasks need to be claimed:

Just join our in-house contributor plan, you can share our newest code with your contribution!

Quick Start

Before running yolov7-d2, make sure you have detectron2 installed, for it's installation, please refer to original facebookresearch repo.

Simple pip install -e . you can have detectron2 installed from source.

Then, just clone this repo:

git clone
cd yolov7_d2
pip install -e .

Or, you can pip install yolov7-d2 for quick install from pypi.

Then following docs for first training && inference usage.

💁‍♂️ Results

YOLOv7 Instance Face & Detection

🧑‍🦯 Installation && Quick Start

Special requirements (other version may also work, but these are tested, with best performance, including ONNX export best support):

If you using lower version torch, onnx exportation might not work as our expected.

🤔 Features

Some highlights of YOLOv7 are:

We are strongly recommend you send PR if you have any further development on this project, the only reason for opensource it is just for using community power to make it stronger and further. It's very welcome for anyone contribute on any features!

🧙‍♂️ Pretrained Models

model backbone input aug APval AP FPS weights
SparseInst [R-50]() 640 32.8 - 44.3 model
SparseInst R-50-vd 640 34.1 - 42.6 [model]()
SparseInst (G-IAM) [R-50]() 608 33.4 - 44.6 model
SparseInst (G-IAM) [R-50]() 608 34.2 34.7 44.6 model
SparseInst (G-IAM) [R-50-DCN]() 608 36.4 36.8 41.6 model
SparseInst (G-IAM) R-50-vd 608 35.6 36.1 42.8 model
SparseInst (G-IAM) R-50-vd-DCN 608 37.4 37.9 40.0 model
SparseInst (G-IAM) R-50-vd-DCN 640 37.7 38.1 39.3 model
SparseInst Int8 onnx google drive

🧙‍♂️ Models trained in YOLOv7

model backbone input aug AP AP50 APs FPS weights
YoloFormer-Convnext-tiny Convnext-tiny 800 43 63.7 26.5 39.3 model
YOLOX-s - 800 40.5 - - 39.3 model

note: We post AP-s here because we want to know how does small object performance in related model, it was notablely higher small-APs for transformer backbone based model! Some of above model might not opensourced but we provide weights.

🥰 Demo

Run a quick demo would be like:

python3 --config-file configs/wearmask/darknet53.yaml --input ./datasets/wearmask/images/val2017 --opts MODEL.WEIGHTS output/model_0009999.pth

Run a quick demo to upload and explore your YOLOv7 prediction with Weights & Biases . See here for an example

python3 --config-file configs/wearmask/darknet53.yaml --input ./datasets/wearmask/images/val2017 --wandb-entity <your-username/team> --wandb-project <project-name> --opts MODEL.WEIGHTS output/model_0009999.pth

Run SparseInst:

python --config-file configs/coco/sparseinst/sparse_inst_r50vd_giam_aug.yaml --video-input ~/Movies/Videos/86277963_nb2-1-80.flv -c 0.4 --opts MODEL.WEIGHTS weights/sparse_inst_r50vd_giam_aug_8bc5b3.pth

an update based on detectron2 newly introduced LazyConfig system, run with a LazyConfig model using:

python3 --config-file configs/new_baselines/ --opts train.init_checkpoint=output/model_0004999.pth

😎 Train

For training, quite simple, same as detectron2:

python --config-file configs/coco/darknet53.yaml --num-gpus 8

If you want train YOLOX, you can using config file configs/coco/yolox_s.yaml. All support arch are:

😎 Rules

There are some rules you must follow to if you want train on your own dataset:

Make sure you have read rules before ask me any questions.

🔨 Export ONNX && TensorRTT && TVM

  1. detr:

    python --config-file detr/config/file

    this works has been done, inference script included inside tools.

  2. AnchorDETR:

    anchorDETR also supported training and exporting to ONNX.

  3. SparseInst: Sparsinst already supported exporting to onnx!!

    python --config-file configs/coco/sparseinst/sparse_inst_r50_giam_aug.yaml --video-input ~/Videos/a.flv  --opts MODEL.WEIGHTS weights/sparse_inst_r50_giam_aug_2b7d68.pth INPUT.MIN_SIZE_TEST 512

    If you are on a CPU device, please using:

    python --config-file configs/coco/sparseinst/sparse_inst_r50_giam_aug.yaml --input images/COCO_val2014_000000002153.jpg --verbose  --opts MODEL.WEIGHTS weights/sparse_inst_r50_giam_aug_2b7d68.pth MODEL.DEVICE 'cpu'

    Then you can have weights/sparse_inst_r50_giam_aug_2b7d68_sim.onnx generated, this onnx can be inference using ORT without any unsupported ops.

🤒️ Performance

Here is a dedicated performance compare with other packages.


🪜 Some Tiny Object Datasets supported

👋 Detection Results

Image Detections

😯 Dicussion Group

Wechat QQ
image.png image.png
image.png image.png

🀄️ Some Exp Visualizations

GridMask Mosaic

©️ License

Code released under GPL license. Please pull request to this source repo before you make your changes public or commercial usage. All rights reserved by Lucas Jin.