lucasmsp / docker-atlas

Cluster in docker with Apache Atlas and a minimal Hadoop ecosystem to perform some basic experiments.
Apache License 2.0
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Cluster Docker: Apache Atlas


This cluster in docker contains Apache Atlas (and its dependencies) with a minimal Hadoop ecosystem to perform some basic experiments. More precisely, it provides:


  1. run docker-compose build to build this all docker image or
  2. run docker-compose up to start all cluster services (it may take some time).
  3. wait for the above message:
atlas-server_1 | Apache Atlas Server started!!!
atlas-server_1 | 
atlas-server_1 | waiting for atlas to be ready
atlas-server_1 | .....
atlas-server_1 | Server: Apache Atlas

or verify that server is up and running using:

curl -u admin:admin http://localhost:21000/api/atlas/admin/version
  1. Access Atlas server (http://localhost:21000) using user admin and password admin

Testing Hive

Load data into Hive:

  $ docker-compose exec hive-server bash
  # /opt/hive/bin/beeline -u jdbc:hive2://localhost:10000
  > CREATE TABLE pokes (foo INT, bar STRING);
  > LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '/opt/hive/examples/files/kv1.txt' OVERWRITE INTO TABLE pokes;


create table brancha(full_name string, ssn string, location string);
create table branchb(full_name string, ssn string, location string);
insert into brancha(full_name,ssn,location) values ('ryan', '111-222-333', 'chicago'); 
insert into brancha(full_name,ssn,location) values ('brad', '444-555-666', 'minneapolis'); 
insert into brancha(full_name,ssn,location) values ('rupert', '000-000-000', 'chicago'); 
insert into brancha(full_name,ssn,location) values ('john', '555-111-555', 'boston');
insert into branchb(full_name,ssn,location) values ('jane', '666-777-888', 'dallas'); 
insert into branchb(full_name,ssn,location) values ('andrew', '999-999-999', 'tampa'); 
insert into branchb(full_name,ssn,location) values ('ryan', '111-222-333', 'chicago'); 
insert into branchb(full_name,ssn,location) values ('brad', '444-555-666', 'minneapolis');
create table branch_intersect as select b1.full_name,b1.ssn,b1.location from brancha b1 inner join branchb b2 ON b1.ssn = b2.ssn;

Testing Spark

To run some code in Spark:

  $ docker-compose exec spark bash
  # /usr/local/spark/bin/spark-submit /tmp/