lucasrenan / updated-by

Updated by provides functionality to store user which created/updated the given record.
MIT License
7 stars 2 forks source link

= Updated By

This project rocks and uses MIT-LICENSE.

= Installation

Install devise (or other authentication solution)

gem install devise rails generate devise:install rails generate devise User

Add to Gemfile

gem "updated_by", :git => 'git://'


bundle install

== If you are using Active Record

Creates the migration for table UpdatedActions

rails g updated_by_migration m

== Example

rails g scaffold post title:string content:text

rake db:migrate

Add update_by to model Post

class Post < ActiveRecord::Base updated_by end

Add current_user to model User

class User < ActiveRecord::Base cattr_accessor :current_user end

= This plugin adds two methods (created_by and updated_by) to models that included

<%- unless @post.created_by.nil? %> criado por: <%= @post.created_by.user_name %> <%- end %>


To get things working properly, it's necessary that current_user is available and user is logged in.