lucianoratamero / django-heroku-bootstrap

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django-heroku-bootstrap is a base project that integrates django with heroku and twitter bootstrap. it sets the foundation to use django with heroku, compiling less via django-pipeline, in different environments.


since we use heroku and less, we ust install some packages for your project to work.

be sure to have everything installed. if you're using ubuntu 14.04, you need to install a PPA to fully use the less compiler and create a symlink binding nodejs to node:

curl -sL | sudo bash -
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
sudo ln -s /usr/bin/nodejs /usr/bin/node

then install node packages globally:

sudo npm install -g less yuglify promise

deploying to heroku

you must follow 5 steps to deploy your project to heroku:

have a heroku account

just go to heroku's site and sign up.

have heroku toolbelt installed

follow heroku's guide to install heroku toolbelt and login.

clone this repository and setup

you must clone this repository somewhere. when cloned, change cloned folder name to your project's name, enter it's folder, create a virtualenv and install the project requirements.

git clone
mv django-heroku-bootstrap YOUR_PROJECT_NAME
echo export >> bin/postactivate
source bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

rebember to unlink your project git from this repository!

rm -rf .git
git init
git add .
git commit -m 'initial commit'

create heroku app

create a heroku app:

heroku create

set up heroku's stuff

you need to tell heroku to use the correct settings file:

heroku config:set DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=settings.production

and push to heroku!

git push heroku master

that's it! you should have something like

if you wish to change your app name, just use:

heroku apps:rename newname

and to setup heroku's database:

heroku run python syncdb

and start developing!

remember to read the docs to django-pipeline, since you're gonna be using it to compile less files and manage your javascript.


any questions, contact me at =)