luciensadi / AwakeMUD

The Community Edition fork of the 'Awakened Worlds' Shadowrun 3 MUD codebase.
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After Advancement imms unable to view wizhelp files #156

Closed lmclarke closed 1 year ago

lmclarke commented 5 years ago

Setting holylight on did not resolve. I'm betting I'm missing some setting or another. Security?

luciensadi commented 5 years ago

You're using the master branch, right? I think Che's old code (the one packaged in Releases) doesn't have a functioning wizhelp. The only requirement for the wizhelp command is that you're at least level 2 (ADVANCE SELF 2 or higher).

What's the output of the wizhelp command for you?

lmclarke commented 5 years ago

Wizhelp output:

The following privileged commands are available to you:
aecho        at           award        ban          copyover     dc           
dig          force        freeze       gaecho       gecho        goto         
handbook     hcontrol     hedit        hlist        icedit       iclist       
iclone       iedit        ilist        iload        imotd        incognito    
invis        last         logwatch     mclone       medit        mlist        
mute         muteooc      notitle      olc          oocdisable   page         
pardon       penalize     phonelist    poofin       poofout      possess      
purge        qlist        qedit        rclone       reboot       restore      
rlist        rpe          redit        send         sedit        set          
settime      skillset     slist        slowns       snowball     snoop        
spellset     stat         subpoint     tail         teleport     thaw         
tridlog      unban        unaffect     uptime       users        vlist        
vnum         vset         vstat        whotitle     wtell        wf           
wizhelp      wizlock      wwho         vedit        vteleport    zaecho       
zecho        zedit        zlist        zreset       zswitch     

Using the master branch, yep!

As we can see wizhelp itself is fine, but when I try to access something in it:

help set No such help file exists.

I used "set" because it exists in the wizhelp folder.

luciensadi commented 5 years ago

Ah, that's likely caused by Che's transition from the flat-file help system to the SQL help system. No provision currently exists in that system for wizhelp commands, so your best bet is going to be reading the flat files themselves. I'll keep this issue open to remind myself to add that later though.

vitalyo7 commented 5 years ago

A few notes, the help command should be rewritten to take into account if the user is an admin or not.

Also, load command has different usage for player vs admin, which will make help for it a bit tricky. In my opinion load for admin should be moved to wizload.

luciensadi commented 5 years ago

Are there currently help files that should be visible to staff but not players (other than the currently-defunct wizhelps), or is this for future helpfiles?

vitalyo7 commented 5 years ago

Is there any value of showing wizcommand help for players either in the current state or future state?

lmclarke commented 5 years ago

I don't think there'd be much value in that, while there may be value in obscuring it.

luciensadi commented 5 years ago

I can see the appeal for having a self-segregating help system. What I liked about wizhelp was the way it presented an index of files that were accessible at that level; if we move all the staff helpfiles to the main help system with level segregation, we'll have to figure out a way to let staff browse the things that they've gained access to due to their level.

Edit: Actually, keeping wizhelp and slotting the files into help would work just fine.

vitalyo7 commented 5 years ago

The help_topic table could get an extra column, wizlevel (default to 0) and when looking up help topics via help command, one could change the query to only show help information that is <= wizlevel of the person searching.

The remaining wizhelp commands could be added to the help_topic, with wizlevel specified. This way, the help files are only seen by those with appropriate level.

luciensadi commented 5 years ago

This sounds like a good plan. Also, if I'm poking at the help system again, I want to overhaul it a bit-- if there isn't an exact match to your keyword in one of the titles, it should display all the titles of matching files so you can pick what sounds closest to your request. I'm not a fan of the current "if multiples match, spam the screen with them" approach.