luciensadi / AwakeMUD

The Community Edition fork of the 'Awakened Worlds' Shadowrun 3 MUD codebase.
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awakened-worlds awakened-worlds-codebase circle diku game mud mud-engine mud-server shadowrun text-game visually-impaired

AwakeMUD Community Edition

A fork of Che's now-retired Awakened Worlds MUD codebase. Issues and pull requests welcome!

AwakeMUD CE is up and running at port 4000! Connect with your favorite telnet client. The current build/test instance for AwakeMUD Community Edition can be reached at port 4001; many thanks to Finster for running the previous test port for so long.

Join our Discord channel!


OS Support

Actively tested on:

Previously tested on (it worked there in the past, but is not guaranteed to now):

Installation (Ubuntu commands in parentheses)

Additional Cygwin Installation Notes

Additional OSX Installation Notes

Make / Compile Troubleshooting

If you get an error like newdb.cpp:11:10: fatal error: mysql/mysql.h: No such file or directory while running make, you either haven't installed the MySQL development headers, or you haven't made them visible to your operating system. Since each OS is different, Google is your best bet for resolving this, but your goal / end state is to have the header inclusion path mysql/mysql.h resolve successfully.

/home/ubuntu/AwakeMUD/src/act.informative.cpp:2769: undefined reference to `mysql_num_rows'
/home/ubuntu/AwakeMUD/src/act.informative.cpp:2774: undefined reference to `mysql_fetch_row'
/home/ubuntu/AwakeMUD/src/act.informative.cpp:2779: undefined reference to `mysql_free_result'

If you see a wall of errors like the one above, you need to edit src/Makefile and uncomment the lines belonging to the OS you're running.

If you get an error like AwakeMUD/src/act.wizard.cpp:3841: undefined reference to 'crypt', it means that you've probably not selected the right OS in your src/Makefile. Make sure you comment out the OS X lines near the top by adding a # at their beginnings, and uncomment the Linux lines by removing their #.

If you get errors like /home/ubuntu/AwakeMUD/src/act.other.cpp:954: undefined reference to 'github_issues_url', you need to remove -DGITHUB_INTEGRATION from your selected OS in your Makefile, then make clean && make to scrub the references to the GitHub integration code.

If you get an error like structs.h:8:10: fatal error: sodium.h: No such file or directory, it means you need to install libsodium (./configure; make; (sudo) make install).

Runtime Troubleshooting

If you get an error like MYSQLERROR: Data too long for column 'Password' at row X when running the game, you need to update your database's pfile table to use the longer password-column capacity. Go into your database and execute the command in SQL/migration-libsodium.sql.

If you get an error like error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory, your path does not include the directory libsodium is in. You can find's directory with sudo find / -name, then optionally symlink it with ln -s /the/directory/it/was/in/ /usr/lib/, where XXX is the numbers indicated in the original error. This is probably not an ideal fix, so if anyone has a better suggestion, please file an issue!

If you get an error like MYSQLERROR: Table 'awakemud.pfiles_mail' doesn't exist, you need to run the command found in SQL/mail_fixes.sql in your database. This will upgrade your database to be compatible with the new mail system. This command is automatically run for new databases.

If it takes an exceedingly long time between you entering your password and the MUD responding, but the MUD is responsive for all other input, the machine that's hosting the MUD is not powerful enough for the password storage algorithm used by default. You may opt to either endure the delay (more secure, less convenient) or either lessen the work factor or add -DNOCRYPT to your Makefile (not at all secure, convenient, will break all current passwords and require you to either fix them by hand or purge and re-create your database and all characters in it).

If you log on for the first time and you're not a staff member, quit out and change your rank in the database. Rank 10 is the maximum. Your MySQL command will look something like: update pfiles set rank=10 where idnum=1;