luciensadi / AwakeMUD

The Community Edition fork of the 'Awakened Worlds' Shadowrun 3 MUD codebase.
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Add prestige races #718

Closed TheVilest closed 8 months ago

TheVilest commented 8 months ago

Adds Drakes, which are their base race in metahuman form. Shapeshifting is not implemented (NERP). Drakes:

Adds Ghouls, which template from base races. Ghouls:

Adds Dragons in both Western, Eastern and Feathered Serpent varieties. Dragons:

Adds Dryads, which are based on elves. Dryads:

luciensadi commented 8 months ago

Overall looks pretty solid. If I'm reading this right, ghouls and drakes:


TheVilest commented 8 months ago

Overall looks pretty solid. If I'm reading this right, ghouls and drakes:

  • Are extensions to other races (templates layered on top?)
  • Are dual (always perceive, take no penalties from doing so)
  • Pay double essence for 'ware (both cyber and bio, or just cyber?) Are there any other penalties for ghouls / drakes?


  • Are basically elves
  • Get a +1 TN penalty in urban settings Are there any bonuses for dryads to offset this?
