lucisgit / moodle-repository_panopto

Panopto repository plugin for Moodle, compulsory part of Panopto resource module.
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This is Panopto repository plugin, a compulsory part of Panopto resource module plugin developed by Lancaster University to simplify using Panopto video recordings in Moodle courses. It provides navigation through Panopto directory tree, making the process of selecting the video easier. Also it provides abstraction layer for communication with Panopto server, not only for purposes of directory listing that plugin provides, but for other queries Panopto resource module needs to make.

Please read Panopto resource module documentation for details on this resource module and unique functionality features it provides.


Place plugin content at ./repository/panopto directory and go though installation in Moodle admin interface.

This plugin is designed to work with Panopto resource plugin which needs to be installed as well.

Make sure that block_panopto is not installed in your system, in fact it may work together, but will cause a lot of confusion due to the differences in access rights allocation.


This plugin provides communication with Panopto server, so it requires configuring "Identity provider" instance on Panopto site and specifying connection settings in this plugin configuration.

Configuring Panopto

You need admin right in Panopto to configure it.

  1. Create a separate user with admin rights for using for API communication.

  2. Choose "Identity Providers" in System menu, click "Add provider". This will open the configuration form that needs to be populated:

    Provider Type: Select "Moodle"

    Instance Name: Enter unique Instance name e.g. 'Moodle'.

    Friendly Description: More user friendly name of this Identity provider.

    Bounce Page URL: Used for sign on through Moodle, see below.

    Parent folder name: Not applicable for this plugin.

    Application Key: You will need this for plugin configuration.

    Bounce page blocks iframes: Set disabled.

    Default Sign-in Option: Used for sign on through Moodle, see below.

    Personal folders for users: Select the user group that is to be assigned personal folders automatically.

    Plug-in generation: There is no information what this setting does, repositiry plugin works in production with this setting set to 1.

    LTI Username parameter override: Leave blank.

    Show this in Sign-in Dropdown: Used for sign on through Moodle, see below.

Configuring Panopto connection in Moodle

  1. Open Panopto repository plugin settings in Moodle, scroll down to "Connection settings" and define:

    Panopto server hostname: FQDN of your Panopto server, e.g. ''.

    Panopto API username: User on the Panopto server to use for API calls, you created it at step 1 of Confguring Panopto section above.

    Panopto API user password: Password for API user.

    Identitiy Provider Instance Name: Instance name that has been defined in Panopto Identity Providers settings. Notice, this is case sensitive.

    Identitiy Provider Application Key: Application Key from Panopto Identity Providers settings.

Once above is configured, you should be able to start using Panopto resource activity.

Other plugin configuration parameters

Folders tree cache TTL: Set duration in seconds when folders tree cache will be valid (300 seconds by default). This speeds up folders navigation in repository interface, but changes made remotely on Panopto (e.g. new folder created) will be reflected in the interface when local cache has expired. Setting to 0 will disable folders tree cache.

Show orphaned sessions: If enabled, Panopto repository root directory will contain all sessions user has access to, but does not have access to folder containing those sessions (otherwise they would be listed within folders as normal). Orphaned sessions are still searchable through search box irrespective of this setting.

Configuring Sign On to Panopto through Moodle

This is optional for this plugin, as it is designed that users will be accessing Panopto though Panopto resource activity in course. Though, if you want to let users to login to Panopto through Moodle for other reason (e.g. there are also public videos or permissions for some videos are allocated manually to certain users), do the folowing:

  1. In this repositiry plugin settings, note "Bounce Page URL" listed at the bottom of the configuration page, e.g.:
In the Panopto Identity Providers Instance settings, set Bounce Page URL to
http://yourmoodlesite/repository/repository_callback.php?repo_id=xx in
order to enable SSO.
  1. In "Identity Providers" on Panopto site find your instance and set:

    Bounce Page URL: Set to URL you found in previous step.

    Default Sign-in Option: Enable if you want to make Moodle the default sign-in option for the users.

    Show this in Sign-in Dropdown: Enable.

Panopto API library

Plugin is using php-panopto-api PHP library which covers full Panopto API functionality and has been developed specifically for this plugin.