luckyshot / miki

Wiki system in PHP+NoDB in just one file. 10s setup + auto-installed. Full Markdown support. Super fast and lightweight (-0.01MB gzip). Multi-User support. Minimal and beautiful.
28 stars 4 forks source link
file-based hacktoberfest micro miki mini-wiki nodb nosql php productivity tool


Miki is a mini-wiki system in just one file.

Miki mini-wiki system screenshot

How to use it

At the right side every page you will find an Edit button, click on it and modify the text, then click Save (or press Control+S).

Use Markdown to format your text and put words inside [ ] to create internal links, then click on them and a new page will be created.


  1. Copy index.php to your web server
  2. Open index.php and customize details in $config variable
  3. Create a folder next to index.php with a very very long name (at least 32 characters, 64+ recommended, grab one from the password generator here)
  4. Make sure that you have writing permissions in the Miki folder, every new Miki page is stored as a .txt file
  5. Create a link in your browser to point to ServerUrl + FolderName. Example: and use that link to Log in

Custom CSS styling

Create a link [customcss] so you get a page like and write the CSS code in it.


3.1.24 (10 April 2017)

3.1.20 (13 February 2017)

2.0.2 (2 February 2013)


Miki is authored by Xavier Esteve and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license.


Anyone that knows or discovers the folder names will have read+write access to all files in it, so remember to use long names for the folders and only share them with those you want to have access. You can rename a folder to change the access link.

Please check the code by yourself before using it in a production environment, while I consider it myself secure, I may be unaware of a vulnerability.