lucy-marko / centrepoint

An app to allow former Centrepoint residents access their Centrepoint address history and information that they may require for their new tenancy agreements
MIT License
3 stars 1 forks source link

Build Status codecov

Centrepoint Alumni help

An app to allow former Centrepoint residents request their Centrepoint housing information, and to allow administrators to view and manage requests.

User stories: ex-resident

As a former resident of Centrepoint
I would like to access Centrepoint alumni network
so that I can request my former address with a verified ID

As a former resident of Centrepoint
I would like the app to look similar to The Point
so that I know that they are both part of the Centrepoint ex-resident network

As a former resident of Centrepoint
I would like the app to work on both mobile and desktop
so that access it regardless of whichever platform I have access to

As a former resident of Centrepoint
I would like to know what type of information I can request
so that I don't waste time with Yoti authentication

As a former resident of Centrepoint
I would like to log in to Yoti quickly and easily
so that I am authenticated with Centrepoint

As an authenticated user
I want like to know that my authentication was successful
so that I can be confident that I will receive the requested data

As a former resident of Centrepoint
I would like to be able to see options to request my address history, a tenancy reference and my rent arrears report
so that I get the document I require for housing and benefits

As a former resident of Centrepoint
I would like to have the option of entering additional information
so that I ensure I get the relevant data

As a former resident of Centrepoint
I would like to have options to be contacted by mail or e-mail
so that receive the requested information quickly and reliably

As a former resident of Centrepoint
I would like the app to look simple, and the form data to be easy to input
so that be confident that I have put in all the data correctly

As a former resident of Centrepoint
I would like to know long it would take for Centrepoint to contact me
so that I know when I will get my information (and that they will get in touch by phone if there are any questions)

As a former resident of Centrepoint
I would like to stay logged in until I log out
so that I am authenticated with the app when (and only when) I'm using it

User stories: admin

As a Centrepoint admin
I would like to access the ex-resident app dashboard
so that I can view all requests for housing data from ex-residents

As a Centrepoint admin
I would like to log in to Yoti quickly and easily
so that I am authenticated with Centrepoint

As a Centrepoint admin
I would like to make sure that only administrators can view the dashboard
so that ex-residents data is not revealed to external visitors

As a Centrepoint admin
I would like to see a list of all data requests from ex-residents
so that I know what requests have been made and need my attention

As a Centrepoint admin
I would like to see which data requests from ex-residents are open and which closed
so that I know which requests to focus on

As a Centrepoint admin
I would like to see when each of the requests was made
so that I know which requests to give priority to

As a Centrepoint admin
I would like to be able to change a request status from open to closed once I have processed it
so that I know that it doesn't need my attention any more

As a Centrepoint admin
I would like to be able to filter requests based on whether they are open or closed
so that I can see a list of all requests I am interested in more clearly

As a Centrepoint admin
I would like to stay logged in until I log out
so that I am authenticated with the dashboard when (and only when) I'm using it

As a Centrepoint admin
I would like to be able to add admin privileges to colleagues at Centrepoint
so that they can view and work on requests from the dashboard as well

Wireframes: ex-resident app

Wireframes: admin dashboard

App flow

Database schema

Design decisions

Fonts and colours were taken to match those at


Colour palette

Technical decisions

Platform: ex-resident app

Platform: admin dashboard

Tech stack

Installation instructions

In order to set up an HTTPS server