ludejun / quill-react-commercial

A Quill component for React and more maturely. Support markdown, images upload, table, code...
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Image Resize does not work #8

Open ACregan opened 1 month ago

ACregan commented 1 month ago

I have not been able to get image resize to work correctly. As a user, if I select an embedded image I get the squares over the corner to indicate that it can be resized but when I attempt to click and drag them it just highlights the content and does not resize the image.




ludejun commented 1 month ago

Can you show your demo code? Or you can use the demo in Github Page:


tiagopiccinin commented 2 weeks ago

First of all, Thanx for this amazing improvement on Quill.

I got the same problem here! @ACregan did u solve this?

tiagopiccinin commented 2 weeks ago

Ok. I got it. The image resize is not trigerring the 'onchange' event.